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  1. Lance Duncan
    14 April 2018 @ 1:50 am

    I think it is also important to remember that the symbology used for the terrain in x5 didn’t always cover a whole hex. The area covered by the swamp had a border similar in style to the coastline and the mountains emphasized the branches of the range more than area covered. It would have been interesting to see later maps done in a similar style, though it is hard read in black and white.


    • Thorfinn Tait
      14 April 2018 @ 10:18 am

      That’s a good point. The swamp especially is drawn much like a lake. It’s interesting how faithful much of the map remains to the hex grid, too — especially the forests.

      This would be a good time to remember that hexes do not mean that their entire area is filled with that terrain type, but only that the marked terrain is the main type present within that hex. The obvious example here is a single mountain hex in the middle of an otherwise flat plain; the mountain hex is likely intended to represent a single, lonely mountain in that case. And it could take up much less than the whole hex — or it could actually extend into adjacent hexes, depending on the scale.

      Hexes leave a lot of room for interpretation in this way.

      Incidentally, this is one of the only maps where I have refrained from replicating the original art style.

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