GAZ3 Glantri, 8 miles per hex
The poster map of Glantri in GAZ3 was highly developed in its first instance. This is no surprise when you consider the book’s author: Bruce Heard. I think that Bruce was the man behind more of Mystara’s hex maps than most of us may realise, but we can rest assured that this one was all his design.
It’s an iconic map for Mystara, full of detail and wonder, the favourite of many a fan. Let’s take a moment to savour it once more in all its glory.
Replica Map (December 2020)

- GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri (1987) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Poster map (Cartography by Dave Sutherland, Dennis Kauth)
Chronological Analysis
This is Map 63. It was published in September 1987. The updated version of this map is available here. See also Appendix C for annual chronological snapshots of the area. For the full context of this map in Mystara’s publication history, see the upcoming Let’s Map Mystara 1987.
The following lists are from the Let’s Map Mystara project. Additions are new features, introduced in this map. Revisions are changes to previously-introduced features. Hex Art & Fonts track design elements. Finally, Textual Additions are potential features found in the related text. In most cases, the Atlas adopts these textual additions into updated and chronological maps.
Under Construction! Please check back again soon for updates.
- Settlements —
- Terrain —
- Settlements —
- Terrain —
Hex Art & Fonts
- Symbols — Gazetteer series standard.
- Fonts — Feinen throughout.

Textual Additions (GAZ3 1987)
- Castles — A number of towers marked on the map are given more full titles in the text: Castle Alhambra (page 24a), Tower of Berrym (page 29b), Tower of Crownguard (page 85a), Tower of Igorov (pages 23a, 25c, 30c, 55b), Tower of Linden (page 30c, 34a), Tower of Mariksen (page 15a), Chateau de Morlay (pages 27b, 33b, 84ab), Castle Ritterburg (pages 24c, 25c), Tower of Satolas (page 24a), Castle Silverston (page 22b), Chateau Sylaire (page 23a), Tower of Verazzano (page 29c), Tower of Vladimirov (page 27b, 82c). Although most princes and princesses name their towers “castle”, the pattern is not absolute, with some princes using “tower” and some non-princes using “castle”.
- Dominions — The text provides the status of most dominions marked on the map. It also notes that no dominions are allowed within 30 miles pf the capital city (page 15a).
- Principalities — Principality of Aalban (page 16b) Principality of Belcadiz (page 20b), Principality of Berghoven (page 15c), Principality of Blackhill (page 17c), Principality of Boldavia (page 15b), Principality of Caurenze (page 19b), Principality of Crownguard (page 14b), Principality of Erewan (page 21c), Principality of Krondahar (page 18b), Principality of New Averoigne (page 19c).
- Archduchies — Archduchy of Westheath (page 19b). Archduchies are to exist no less than 30 miles from the capital (page 15a).
- Duchies — Duchy of Fenswick (page 18a), Duchy of Hightower (page 18b). Duchies are to exist 40 miles or more from the capital (page 15a).
- Marquisates — Marquisate of Berrym (pages 17b, 29b), Marquisate of Dunvegan (page 14b), Marquisate of Satolas (page 20b). Marquisates are to exist 50 miles or more from the capital (page 15a).
- Counties — County of Glenargyll (page 14b), County of High Sonden (page 16a), County of Skullhorn Pass (page 18b), County of South-Kabree (page 21c), County of Touraine (page 19c), County of Wylon (page 18a). Counties are to exist 80 miles or more from the capital (page 15a).
- Viscounties — Viscounty of Bergen (page 16a), Viscounty of Blofeld (page 17b), Viscounty of Castelbianco (page 19b), Viscounty of Fausseflammes (page 19c), Viscounty of Malinbois (page 19c), Viscounty of Nathrat (page 20c), Viscounty of Redstone (pages 17c, 18a), Viscounty of Verazzano (page 19b). Viscounties are to exist no less than 120 miles from the capital (page 15a).
- Baronies — Barony of Adlerturm (page 17b), Barony of Egorn (page 20b), Barony of Kutchevski (page 15b), Barony of Mariksen (page 15b), Barony of Morlay (page 19c), Barony of Oxhill (pages 15c, 16a, 29c), Barony of Palatinsk (page 15b), Barony of Pavlova (pages 15b, 24b), Barony of Uigmuir (page 27bc), Barony of Vladimirov (page 15b). Baronies are to exist no closer than 180 miles from the capital (page 15a).
- Leaders — A few NPCs are noted to be leaders of military settlements. (Those who are also rulers appear in that list below.)
- Sir Uthar Aendyr, Constable of Volnay (page 22a).
- Sire Gaston d’Ambreville, Constable of Vyonnes (page 23a).
- Sire Jean-Louis d’Ambreville, Monsieur le Constable de Perigon (page 23a).
- Don Carlo de Belcadiz, Constable of New Alvar (pages 24a, 34b).
- Don Diego de Belcadiz, el Senor Capitano of Bramyra (pages 13b, 23c).
- Don Hippolito de Belcadiz, Viceroy/Castellan of Monteleone (“Viceroy” page 13b, “Castellan” page 23c). Presumably he is Castellan, or acting Viceroy in place of his sister, the Princess and Vice-Queen; he is not a prince, and therefore surely not eligible to be titled a Viceroy, despite the reference (see pages 17a, 21b).
- Sire Qenildor Erewan, Captain of Camp Huledain (“sir” page 13b, “sire” page 25a).
- Il Signor Giovanni di Malapietra, Condottiere of Lizzieni (page 27a).
- Agostino di Malapietra, Castellan of Ylourgne (page 27a).
- Sir Bruce McGregor, Castellan of Crownguard (pages 28b, 33c).
- Sir Duncan McGregor, Captain of the Skullhorn Pass Camp (pages 13b, 28a).
- Lady Mary McGregor, wife of Sir Quentin and actual leader of Fort Sablestone, hiding her husband’s madness (page 27ab).
- Sir Quentin McGregor, Castellan of Fort Sablestone (page 28a).
- Mining — Although no mining has yet occurred, the Viscount of Nathrat, Sire Ezechiel Naramis, is said to have discovered anti-magic ore of some kind in “the most remote areas of the Sierras”, “just over the border in the Republic of Darokin” (page 28c). The ore deposits are not detailed or named.
- Mountains Passes — Skullhorn Pass is confirmed to be the name for the pass itself, as well as the County (page 27b).
- Races — There are various references to humanoid and monstrous races in Glantri.
- A “large orcish tribe” in the Wendarian Reaches near Uigmuir, ruled by an “orcish king”. The son of the orc king and Lady Myra McDuff, Baroness of Uigmuir, lives among these orcs. (All page 27bc)
- Rulers — A great many NPC rulers are detailed.
- Prince Volospin Aendyr, Prince of Blackhill, Chancellor of the Princes, Count of Silverston (pages 17c, 18c, 22ab).
- Prince Etienne d’Ambreville, Prince of New Averoigne, Grand Master of the Great School of Magic, Viscount of Sylaire (pages 18c, 19c, 22bc).
- Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Duke of Hightower (pages 18b, 23b).
- Princess Carnelia de Fedorias y Belcadiz, Princess of Belcadiz, Marquesa del Alhambra, Vice-Queen of Monteleone (pages 20b, 23bc).
- Don Fernando de Casanegra, Marques de Satolas (pages 20b, 24a).
- Lady Natacha Datchenka, Baroness of Pavlova (pages 15b, 24b).
- Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels, Prince of Aalban, Count of Ritterburg, Viceroy of Nordling, Warden of the Marches (pages 13ab, 16b, 24bc).
- Princess Carlotina Erewan, Princess of Erewan, Chamberlain of the Land, Marchioness of Ellerovyn (pages 18c, 21c, 24c, 25a).
- Signor Griseo Fulvina, Viscount of Verazzano (pages 19b, 29bc).
- Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany, Prince of Boldavia, Baron of Igorov, Viceroy of Tchernovodsk (pages 13b, 15b, 25bc).
- Herr Rolf (von) Graustein, Viscount of Blofeld (“von Graustein” page 17b, “Graustein” pages 25c, 26a).
- Sire Gilles Grenier, Vicomte de Fausseflammes (pages 19c, 26a).
- Lord Harald of Haaskinz, Archduke of Westheath (pages 19b, 26a).
- Lady Margaret of Hillsbury, Duchess of Fenswick (pages 18a, 26a).
- Lord Youri Ivanov, Baron of Palatinsk (pages 15b, 26ab).
- Lady Arbana Jerbat, Viscountess of Redstone (pages 17c, 18a, 26b).
- Lord Urmahid Krinagar, Count of Skullhorn Pass (pages 18b, 26b).
- Lady Rowena Krollnar, Viscountess of Bergen (pages 16a, 26bc).
- Herr Franz Lowenroth, Baron of Adlerturm (pages 17b, 26c).
- Prince Innocenti di Malapietra, Prince of Caurenze, Viscount of Sirecchia, Viceroy of Ylourgne (pages 13c, 19b, 26c, 27a).
- Sire Malachie du Marais, Baron de Morlay (pages 19c, 27ab).
- Lady Szasza Markovitch, Baroness of Vladimirov (pages 15b, 27b).
- Lord Alasdair McAllister, Count of Glenargyll (pages 14b, 27b).
- Lord Eachainn McDougall, Marquis of Dunvegan (pages 14b, 27b).
- Lady Mira/Myra McDuff, Baroness of Uigmuir (“Mira” page 14b, “Myra” page 27bc).
- Prince Brannart McGregor, Prince of Klantyre, Viscount of Crownguard, Viceroy of Sablestone (pages 13b, 14b, 27c, 28a).
- Dona Isabella de Montebello, Senora Baronesa del Egorn (pages 20b, 28b).
- Dame Diane de Moriamis, Vicomtesse de Malinbois (pages 19c, 28b).
- Lord Ezechiel Naramis, Viscount of Nathrat (pages 21c, 28bc).
- Lady Aliana Nyraviel, Countess(e) of Soth-Kabree (“Countesse” page 21c, “Countess” page 28c).
- Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtesse de Touraine (pages 19c, 29a).
- Signor Antonio di Tarento, Viscount of Castelbianco (pages 19b, 29ab).
- Lady Mariana Terlagand, Marchioness of Berrym; actually an imposter named Narda Shelyn (pages 17b, 29b).
- Lord Piotr-Grygory Timenko, Baron of Kutchevski (pages 15b, 29b).
- Lord Emeth Urbaal, Count of Wylon (pages 18a, 29c).
- Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron of Oxhill (pages 15c, 16a, 29c).
- Lady Sinaria Verlien, Countess of High Sonden (pages 16a, 29c).
- Prince Jherek Virayana IV, Prince of Krondahar, Khan of Singhabad, Constable of Glantri, Supreme Judge of the Council (pages 13b, 18bc, 30a).
- Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen XI, Prince of Bergdhoven, Viscount of Linden, Treasurer of the Council (pages 15c, 17a, 18c, 30b).
- Lord Laszlo Wutyla, Baron of Mariksen (pages 15b, 30c).
- Settlements — Huledain Camp is referred to as Camp Huledain throughout the text (GAZ3 pages 13bc, 25a, 86c). The capitals of each principality are given as follows: Alhambra (Belcadiz, page 20b), Crownguard (Klantyre, page 14b), Ellerovyn (Erewan, page 20c), Igorov (Boldavia, page 15b), Linden (Bergdhoven, page 15c), Ritterberg (Aalban, page 16b), Silverston (Blackhill, page 17c), Singhabad (Krondahar, page 18b), Sirecchia (Caurenze, page 19b), Sylaire (New Averoigne, page 19c), .
- Terrain — GAZ3 page 6b explains that Glantri has “three major valleys”, all “extensively farmed”: the Vesubian Valley, “from the Broken Lands up to Glenmoorloch and Vorstadt”; the Isoile Valley, “to the west of Glantri City”; and the Red River Valley, “between the Glantrian Alps and the Silver Sierras”. The text goes on to state that the valleys contain “small, wooded areas which never cover more than a few hundred yards”, with cork oaks and mulberry trees (page 6c). In contrary to the fertile valleys, the “western plain around Fort Sablestone” is said to suffer from droughts due to the Kurish Massif’s rain shadow (page 6b).