Looking for a specific map?
Each map in the Atlas of Mystara is situated in its own post, which gives context to its creation as well as its place and significance in Mystaran mapping. Multiple layers of tags enable indexing of these posts, so that there is a wide range of indices available to choose from.
Geographic Index
A comprehensive list of all the labelled features on each map. This is great if you have the name of a settlement, a river, a forest, a mountain range, a nation, or even a continent, and you want to see which maps it appears on.
Appendix G: Gazetteer
If you need further information on what each tag refers to, this appendix presents the Geographic Index with added capsule descriptions for each entry.
Index of Updated maps
An alphabetical list of all official Atlas of Mystara updated maps. These are the heart of the whole project, presenting a set of internally consistent maps combining information from all available sources. Each map has extensive notes on the various additions and alterations.
Index of Replica maps
An alphabetical list of all available replicas of maps published by TSR between 1981 and 1996. These are the backbone of the setting, but they are presented as is, and in many aspects they are not consistent or even compatible with each other.
Index of Fan-made maps
A list of all maps by other fan cartographers which have been added to the Atlas. Maps are listed by their cartographer, and then alphabetically by their title. These maps show the continuing development of Mystara by the fans after Mystara ceased publication, from 1996 until the present day.
Index of Chronological maps
A list of all chronological snapshot maps that have been added to the Atlas. These maps are essentially updated maps, but with their sources limited up to a specific year — noted in brackets after the map’s title. For more information on these, see Appendix C: Cartographic Chronology.
Index by Product
An alphabetical listing of source products. TSR products are of course the main focus, although fan publications are also included.
Index by Publication Date
A list of all the years in which Mystara maps have been published, from 1981 until the present (with a few outlying related products outside that range).
Index by Scale
A list of maps by hex scale.
Index by Map Type
A list of map types.
Timeline Index
A list of in-world dates.
Index by Cartographer
A list of cartographers whose work is featured in the Atlas.