This special appendix to the Atlas details the Japanese translations of D&D books, or more specifically their art. It’s not really related to the Atlas, but stems rather from the fact that the Atlas of Mystara is made in Japan, since I’ve been living here since 2000.
- Japanese Rules Cyclopedia — the original 2006 article, revised and reposted here
- Japanese B10-B12 — covering the Japanese versions of these three modules, first posted December 2020

About D&D Books in Japan
There were two major waves of translations of BECMI D&D in Japan. The products, publishing companies, and years in publication were as follows:
- BECMI D&D — Shinwa (親和), 1985-1992
- Rules Cyclopedia D&D — Dengeki Game Bunko (電撃ゲーム文庫), 1994-1997
Later editions have been translated and published by Hobby Japan, but those are beyond the scope of these articles.
The Red Box D&D Guide site (赤箱D&Dガイド) has links to places you can buy these books nowadays. The primary avenue is Yahoo Auctions.
Japanese D&D Books
Year | Abbrv. | Japanese Title | English Title | Description |
1985 | [B] | ベーシックルールセット | Basic Rules Set 1 | Rules Supplement |
1985 | B2 | 国境の城塞 | The Keep on the Borderlands | Adventure |
1985 | B3 | アリクの瞳 | The Palace of the Silver Princess | Adventure |
1985 | B4 | 失われた都市 | The Lost City | Adventure |
1985 | BS1 | ブリザードパス | Blizzard Pass | Adventure |
1986 | B5 | シュリール川を越えて――恐怖の丘へ―― | Horror on the Hill | Adventure |
1986 | [E] | エキスパートルールセット | Expert Rules Set 2 | Rules Supplement |
1986 | X1 | 恐怖の島 | The Isle of Dread | Adventure |
1986 | X2 | アンバー家の館 | Castle Amber (Château d'Ambreville) | Adventure |
1986 | X3 | ザナソンの呪い | Curse of Xanathon | Adventure |
1986 | AC2 | マスタースクリーンI | Combat Shield/Treasure of the Hideous One | Rules Supplement/Adventure |
1986 | BS2 | ザルゴンの亡霊 | Ghost of Lion Castle | Adventure |
1986 | XS1 | ラサンの黄金 | Lathan's Gold | Adventure |
1987 | B6 | 陰謀の町スペキュラルム | The Veiled Society | Adventure |
1987 | B7 | ラハシア | Rahasia | Adventure |
1987 | X4 | 未知なる恐怖への挑戦 | Master of the Desert Nomads | Adventure |
1987 | X5 | 死を呼ぶ神殿 | Temple of Death | Adventure |
1987 | X6 | スパイラルシティー | Quagmire! | Adventure |
1987 | [C] | コンパニオンルールセット | Companion Rules Set 3 | Rules Supplement |
1987 | CM1 | 大いなる試練 | Test of the Warlords | Adventure |
1987 | CM2 | 死者達の宴 | Death's Ride | Adventure |
1987 | AC6 | プレイヤーキャラクターレコードシート | Player Character Record Sheets | Rules Supplement |
1987 | AC9 | モンスターマニュアル | Creature Catalogue | Campaign Source |
B8 | 偽りの旅路 | Journey to the Rock | Adventure | |
1987 | [BBG] | ベーシックビギナーズガイド | Basic Beginner's Guide | Rules Supplement |
1987 | D&D®がよくわかる本 | Understanding D&D | Japanese Accessory | |
1988 | X7 | 海賊都市クロン | The War Rafts of Kron | Adventure |
1988 | [EPG] | エキスパートプレイングガイド1 | Expert Playing Guide 1 | Rules Supplement |
1988 | GAZ1 | カラメイコス大公国 | Grand Duchy of Karameikos | Campaign Source |
1988 | GAZ2 | イラルアム首長国連邦 | Emirates of Ylaruam | Campaign Source |
1988 | AC1 | シェイディードラゴンイン | The Shady Dragon Inn | Campaign Source |
1988 | AC4 | マーベラスマジック | Book of Marvelous Magic | Rules Supplement |
1988 | ACJ1 | D&D® シナリオデザインセット | D&D Scenario Design Set | Japanese Accessory |
1988 | ACJ2 | D&D® ビギナーズガイド | D&D Beginner's Guide | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | X8 | 炎の島 | Drums on Fire Mountain | Adventure |
1989 | CM3 | 悪魔の住む河 | Sabre River | Adventure |
1989 | [M] | マスタールールセット | Master Rules Set 4 | Rules Supplement |
1989 | M1 | 巡らされた糸 | Into the Maelstrom | Adventure |
1989 | AC7 | マスタースクリーンII (「巨石の秘密」付) | Master Player's Screen/The Spindle | Rules Supplement/Adventure |
1989 | ACJ3 | D&D® スペルカード I | D&D Spell Cards I | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | ACJ4 | D&D® スペルカード II | D&D Spell Cards II | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | ACJ5 | D&D® ビジュアルガイド | D&D Visual Guide | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | ACJ6 | D&D® レスキューガイド | D&D Rescue Guide | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | ACJ7 | D&D® スペルカード III | D&D Spell Cards III | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | ACJ8 | D&D® スペルカード IV | D&D Spell Cards IV | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | ACJ9 | プレイヤーキャラクターサブシート | Player Character Sub Sheets | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | ACJ10 | D&D® スペルカード V | D&D Spell Cards V | Japanese Accessory |
1989 | XS2 | 雷鳴山の秘宝 | Thunderdelve Mountain | Adventure |
1990 | B9 | コードウェル城奇談 | Castle Caldwell and Beyond | Adventure |
1990 | X9 | 荒れ果てし海岸 | The Savage Coast | Adventure |
1990 | ACJ11 | D&D® スペルカード VI | D&D Spell Cards VI | Japanese Accessory |
1990 | ACJ12 | D&D® NPCカード | D&D NPC Cards | Japanese Accessory |
1990 | ACJ13 | D&D® モンスターアソートメント | D&D Monster Assortment | Japanese Accessory |
1992 | GAZ5 | アルフハイムのエルフ | Elves of Alfheim | Campaign Source |
1994 | [P1] | 竜剣物語①ペンハリゴンの騎士 | The Tainted Sword | Novel |
1994 | [RC1] | D&D ®ルールサイクロペディア 1 プレイヤーズ | D&D Rules Cyclopaedia (5th Edition) | Rules Supplement |
1994 | [RC2] | D&D® ルールサイクロペディア 2 ダンジョンマスターズ | D&D Rules Cyclopaedia (5th Edition) | Rules Supplement |
1994 | [RC3] | D&D® ルールサイクロペディア 3 モンスターズ | D&D Rules Cyclopaedia (5th Edition) | Rules Supplement |
1994 | [P2] | 竜剣物語②ウルフホルドの緑竜 | The Tainted Sword/The Dragon's Tomb | Novel |
1994 | B11 | D&D®ゲームシナリオ①キングズ・フェスティバル 王の祭り | King's Festival | Adventure |
1995 | [R1] | D&D®リプレイミスタラ黙示録① | D&D® Replay: Apocalypse of Mystara 1 | Campaign Report |
1995 | [P3] | 竜剣物語③〈三つの太陽〉騎士団 | The Dragon's Tomb | Novel |
1995 | B12 | D&D®ゲームシナリオ②クイーンズ・ハーベスト 女王の収穫 | Queen's Harvest | Adventure |
1995 | [R2] | D&D®リプレイミスタラ黙示録② | D&D® Replay: Apocalypse of Mystara 2 | Campaign Report |
1995 | [P4] | 竜剣物語④開かれた魔法の門 | The Dragon's Tomb/The Fall of Magic | Novel |
1996 | B10 | D&D®ゲームシナリオ③ナイツ・ダーク・テラー 黒い夜の恐怖 | Night's Dark Terror | Adventure |
1996 | [R3] | D&D®リプレイミスタラ黙示録③ | D&D® Replay: Apocalypse of Mystara 3 | Campaign Report |
1996 | [P5] | 竜剣物語⑤未来への扉 | The Fall of Magic | Novel |
1996 | [MS] | D&D®マスタースクリーン | D&D® Master Screen | Accessory |
1996 | [R4] | D&D®リプレイミスタラ黙示録④ | D&D® Replay: Apocalypse of Mystara 4 | Campaign Report |
1997 | [R5] | D&D®リプレイミスタラ黙示録⑤ | D&D® Replay: Apocalypse of Mystara 5 | Campaign Report |
???? | [SoD] | 『魔術師の遺産 ミスタラを継ぐものたち』上・下 | Son of Dawn | Novel |
???? | D&D®がよくわかる本(改訂版) | Understanding D&D (Revised Edition) | Japanese Accessory |