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Aleksei Andrievski

One of Mystara’s first digital cartographers


  • Nickname: Solmyr (Vaults author page)
  • Location: Finland (originally from Russia)
  • Maps Posted: 1997-2000
  • Areas of Interest: Regional political maps
  • Scales: Mostly non-hex, smaller scale
  • First Posted Map: Players’ Map of the Alphatian Region (October 1997)
  • Software: Campaign Cartographer for DOS (CC-DOS)
  • Mapping Style: CC-DOS style; also simple line art, sometimes brightly coloured
  • Fonts: CC-DOS fonts, Times
Bellissaria and Esterhold by Aleksei Andrievski, October 1997


Aleksei was a member of the Mystara Mailing List during its heyday in the late 1990s. He has not been active in the community for many, many years, and I have been unable to track him down or get in touch with him. Consequently, the only information available to us about him is what he wrote in his posts to the MML, and the maps he shared on his web site. I’d also like to thank Greg Weatherup for helping me track down some of these maps.

Aleksei stated on the MML that he started playing D&D around age 14. His interest in Mystara was “Glantri and anything about magic/wizards”. He participated in a number of discussions on assorted topics, and his contributions to the community are archived at the Vaults of Pandius.

Campaign Cartographer

The Known World of Mystara by Aleksei Andrievski, October 1997
The Known World of Mystara by Aleksei Andrievski, October 1997

He was active on the MML from 1997 until 2000, and posted a set of Campaign Cartographer for DOS maps on his web site in March 1998. These maps were among the earliest digital maps created for Mystara, contemporary with Thibault Sarlat’s earliest Grid maps. Aleksei went with a rather different style, using coloured line art on a white canvas rather than the familiar blocks of colour of the Gazetteer-style hex maps. He sometimes included a hex grid, but more often he appears to have used it as a stepping stone to creating a grid-less map.

Since he shared these maps in the native CC-DOS format rather than as image files, it’s unclear how visible they were in the community at the time — though I suspect that very few people were able to view them, as of course they require the original software. I was only able to convert them to image files with help from the friendly folks over at the ProFantasy forums, and most notably Remy Monsen, who kindly converted all of the files to the modern CC3+ format for us.

Play By Email Games

Aleksei was also active in the PBEM scene, running and participating in a number of games based on the Birthright rules from 1998-2000. He created a set of political maps for these games, including maps for the Savage Coast, the Hollow World, Norwold, and the Known World. The Savage Coast maps seem to be the most developed of these, with two different versions remaining to us, showing the state of the “game board” at the beginning of play as well as mid-game.

Savage Coast Political Map by Aleksei Andrievski, July 2000
Savage Coast Political Map by Aleksei Andrievski, July 2000

The most striking part of these maps is the breaking up of each nation and region into named subdivisions. To do this, he referenced not only the official maps and texts, but also fan-created resources at the Vaults of Pandius.

Political maps of Mystara are something that many fans have suggested or requested over the years, but Aleksei is one of the only fan cartographers who has created any. As such, his maps remain a valuable resource for us to this day.

Aleksei’s Maps

NameYearMDDate SourceRegionScaleNotes
Players' Map of the Alphatian Region19971019FileAlphatian areaNon-hexPlayerMP.fcd
Bellissaria and Esterhold
19971019FileBellissaria and EsterholdNon-hexEast.fcd
Ochalea, Pearl Islands, Alatian Islands19971019FileOchalea, Pearl Islands, AlatiansNon-hexIslands.fcd
Hinterlands 19971020FileHinterlandsNon-hexHinter.fcd
Known World Area19971022FileKnown World areaNon-hexKnownW.fcd
The Known World of Mystara19971022FileKnown WorldNon-hexSEBrun-P.fcd
Karameikos, 8 miles per hex19971031FileKarameikos8Karameik.fcd
Minrothad, 8 miles per hex19971126FileMinrothad8Minroth.fcd
Glantri 1013 AC, 8 miles per hex1998130FileGlantri8Glantri.fcd
Known World 1010 AC, 24 miles per hex199821FileKnown World24SEBrun.fcd
Shadow Elves1998219FileShadowlandsNon-hex
City States Political1998723FileCity StatesNon-hexFor PBEM game
Herath and Trident Bay Political1998723FileHerath, Shazak, Ator, Cay, WallaraNon-hexFor PBEM game
Orc's Head Peninsula Political1998723FileOrc's Head PeninsulaNon-hexFor PBEM game
Savage Baronies Political1998723FileSavage BaroniesNon-hexFor PBEM game
Savage Coast Kingdoms Political1998723FileBellayne, Renardy, Eusdria, RobrennNon-hexFor PBEM game
Arm of the Immortals Political1998728FileArm of the ImmortalsNon-hexFor PBEM game
Iciria Political19981218FileIciriaNon-hexFor PBEM game
Shahjapur Political19981219FileShahjapurNon-hexFor PBEM game
Selhomarr Political19981219FileSelhomarrNon-hexFor PBEM game
Savage Coast Political v12000718FileSavage CoastNon-hexFor PBEM game
Savage Coast Political v22000730FileSavage CoastNon-hexFor PBEM game
Known World Political200088FileKnown World, NorwoldNon-hexFor PBEM game
Norwold Political200088FileNorwoldNon-hexFor PBEM game



In researching this article, I searched out all the references I could find, and consulted with everyone I could track down. I have made every effort to ensure that the information is accurate, but in some cases I may have slipped up — especially when dealing with maps that are years or even decades old. I take full responsibility for any mistakes; please don’t hesitate to point these out if you find them! Following is a summary of my sources for your reference.

Thank you, Aleksei!

If you are out there somewhere, I hope you’re well. I’d love to hear from you.

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