Arogansa, 8 miles per hex
Arogansa is first and foremost, at least from the point of view of those who may benefit from it, a realm where one goes for rest and recreation. It offers in good faith, if the price is right, anything ranging from mindless entertainment to secluded serenity. Phantasmal fakery defines the most popular and affordable attractions. Yet, those whose arcane skills and standards of living permit may experience profound and perhaps life-changing events at the more exclusive estates. Nonetheless, beach-going wizards, their families, their retinues, fun-seeking bachelors, sight-seeing sages, underage warlocks celebrating their season breaks, and overworked enchanters swirl together amid a debauchery of high fashion and utter snobbery. Truly idyllic and enthralling palaces remain within the sphere of the wealthy wizardkind and select ecclesiastics of eminent talent. For the masses of native workers, alas, it imposes a humble life spent hiding from sight until summoned. They remain entirely at the service and mercy of the ruling class. All said, Arogansa embodies all that is fabulous about magocracies, and all that is deeply reviled.
from Bruce Heard’s The Alphatian Province of Arogansa
Map (updated 27th June 2017)

- The Empire of Alphatia, 24 mile per hex poster map from Dawn of the Emperors (1989)
- Arogansa, 8 mile per hex map by Bruce Heard
As with all his Alphatia 8 mile per hex maps, Bruce Heard added a great deal of detail and character to the region when converting from 24 miles per hex. The Atlas considers Bruce’s map to be the definitive source for Arogansa.
There are numerous instances of river bifurcation in this map. Perhaps the Alphatians enjoy splitting their rivers as a matter of aesthetics.
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28 June 2017 @ 3:04 am
Love this map, thank you… I just started a Mystara campaign and these maps are fantastic !
29 June 2017 @ 11:57 am
Thanks, Kurt! It had been too long since the last map.
Good luck with your campaign!