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  1. Lance Duncan
    12 February 2018 @ 4:31 am

    This map is on the inside cover of the module. A players map showing the locations of the moors is in the middle of module somewhere, I think it is on the opposite page of the calendar. All other maps are on a giant foldout, one side is sukiskyn and the other has all the encounter area maps.


    • Thorfinn Tait
      12 February 2018 @ 9:44 pm

      Thanks! I don’t think I ever managed to find a physical version of B10. All I have is the PDFs, where it’s not entirely obvious what goes where.

      Interesting to hear about the moors — I was wondering if those were an invention of GAZ1, or what. Glad to hear that’s not the case.

  2. Let’s Map Mystara! – Thorfinn Tait Cartography
    13 April 2018 @ 11:32 am

    […] the commentary for all these old maps I’ve been re-releasing lately has crystallised something I’ve been wanting to do for quite a while […]


  3. Fabrizio Nuzzaci
    28 January 2025 @ 9:51 pm

    Hi Thorfinn,
    It’s long time I think we (rectius: you) should rotate by 90 degree the hex grid of B10 maps.
    I think this will allow to DM and players to locate more easily the places of the B10 on the maps of Gazetteers and the other modules

    ok… we know that there are several differences, starting from the direction of the rivers and so on; but this way it would be easier to check the distances between the places added by the B10 module and the other places that we already know by other modules and expert set, such as Penhaligon, Kelven and the legendary Threshold.

    May you realize B10 maps replica, with this single update? Just rotating maps by 90 degree …

    You will have a new category for your maps also!! 😀

    Great Job!


  4. Fabrizio Nuzzaci
    28 January 2025 @ 9:52 pm

    Hi Thorfinn,
    It’s long time I think we (rectius: you) should rotate by 90 degree the hex grid of B10 maps.
    I think this will allow to DM and players to locate more easily the places of the B10 on the maps of Gazetteers and the other modules

    ok… we know that there are several differences, starting from the direction of the rivers and so on; but this way it would be easier to check the distances between the places added by the B10 module and the other places that we already know by other modules and expert set, such as Penhaligon, Kelven and the legendary Threshold.

    May you realize B10 maps replica, with this single update? Just rotating maps by 90 degree …

    You will have a new category for your maps also!! 😀

    Great Job!


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