Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex
Here it is, in all its glory: Ricardo Matheus’s Mystara’s Map Navigator, combined into a single large map. The resemblance to TM1 is quite striking, though Ricardo’s map goes further north, instead leaving the far south incomplete.
Due to the nature of the individual grid sections, it took a fair bit of work to clean up the map so that it works as a single contiguous image — mostly removing duplicated labels. It’s still not perfect, but I think it’s good enough. Please do let me know if you see any glaring errors, except for duplicated country labels, some of which I decided to just leave as they are.
All in all it’s a wonderful map and a great achievement for Ricardo. He did produce a version of this back in 2000-2002, but size limits of the time meant it had to be a reduced resolution, and therefore didn’t show the map in its full splendour.
Combining Fan-made Maps by Ricardo Matheus (May 2021)

This is a composite of original maps created by one of Mystara’s excellent fan cartographers. For more information on the cartographer, including a gallery of all their maps, see also Appendix M: Mappers of Mystara.
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E1
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E2
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid N1E3
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid 0
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E1
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E2
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid E3
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E1
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E2
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S1E3
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E1
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E2
- Darkblood’s Known World, 8 miles per hex, Grid S2E3
- Darkblood’s Legend
- Ricardo’s entry in Appendix M: Mappers of Mystara
- Ricardo’s author page at the Vaults of Pandius
Chronological Analysis
This is a fan-made map. It was published in 2021. The updated Atlas version of this map is Known World, 8 miles per hex. See also Appendix C for annual chronological snapshots of the area. For the full context of this map in Mystara’s publication history, see the upcoming Let’s Map Mystara 2021. (Please note that it may be some time before the project reaches this point.)
The following lists are from the Let’s Map Mystara project. Additions are new features, introduced in this map. Revisions are changes to previously-introduced features. Hex Art & Fonts track design elements. Finally, Textual Additions are potential features found in the related text. In most cases, the Atlas adopts these textual additions into updated and chronological maps.
Coming Soon