Dawn of the Emperors Alatian Islands, 24 miles per hex
This black and white map from Book One of Dawn of the Emperors provided a full map of the Alatians at this scale for the first time. The poster map of the Isle of Dawn from the same set already showed the western three quarters of the archipelago, but missed out the rest. The terrain matches well between the maps, although none of the villages from the poster map appear on this map, and peculiarly none of the grasslands shown on the poster map appear here.
One interesting detail is the unnamed settlement marked north of the lake on Aegos. Wrath of the Immortals a few years later would mark a village named Selenion in the same spot, which may well be a reference to this map.
Replica Map (11th May 2018)

- Dawn of the Emperors (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Book One: The Dungeon Master’s Sourcebook, page 62
About Replica Maps
Unlike Updated maps, Replica maps are exact (or sometimes colourised) replicas of primary source maps. These source maps form the main source material of the Atlas of Mystara, from which all of the updated maps are made. Put simply:
- Replica maps present the world of Mystara as the original source materials depict it, warts and all. No attempt has been made to fix errors of any kind — even typos. Replica maps are always marked as such on this site.
- Updated maps present the Atlas of Mystara‘s consistent view of the world, with all errors, alignment issues, and so on fixed. Anything not marked as a replica map is an updated map.