Dungeon 7 Brun Errata
Although this map was seemingly made as a reaction to the Brun overview map from the previous issue, in fact it deals with an issue that had been present since the Master Set world map: the whole area shown on X1’s map was marked with an “Empire of Thyatis” label. While it could always have been said that this was clearly not meant to mean that Thyatis was in control of all this area — the extents of the empire was given quite explicitly in CM1 — it’s still nice to see an official clarification of this.
It’s not quite clear if this originated with author Merle Rasmussen, or from Bruce Heard, who had by this time assumed his role as Product Manager for the setting. But either way, it shows a desire to try to clear up issues of confusion.
At the root of this whole issue is the simple fact that the region in question had never had an official name. Early labels such as The Continent and D&D Game World clearly applied to the whole setting, not just the region at its heart. It would later inherit the term “Known World”, of course, but at this point, in 1987, that name had not yet come to apply to this region.
Replica Map (May 2021)

- Tortles of the Purple Sage — Part 2, Dungeon #7 (September 1987)
- Quick Fix, page 22 map (Cartography by Diesel)
Chronological Analysis
This is Map 67. It was published in September 1987. The updated version of this map has not yet been released. See also Appendix C for annual chronological snapshots of the area. For the full context of this map in Mystara’s publication history, see the upcoming Let’s Map Mystara 1987.
The following lists are from the Let’s Map Mystara project. Additions are new features, introduced in this map. Revisions are changes to previously-introduced features. Hex Art & Fonts track design elements. Finally, Textual Additions are potential features found in the related text. In most cases, the Atlas adopts these textual additions into updated and chronological maps.
- Borders — This map at last deals with the confusion over the extents of the “Empire of Thyatis”, begun back in 1985 with the Master Set world map, which implied that the Empire extended north of the mountains shown on the original X1 Known World map. This was compounded in X9’s continental map, which added the “Empire of Thyatis” label to the previously unlabelled region box from the Companion Set’s continental map. So while the text here sets this out as a correction for Dungeon #6’s continental map, in fact the issue was a lot wider, and Dungeon #6’s map was only the latest map to feature it.
Join in the Discussion at The Piazza
Come and join in the discussion about this map at The Piazza, where I am holding a “read through” of the Let’s Map Mystara project.