GAZ6 Darokin Tunnel, 4 miles per hex
This peculiar little map was drawn on a 60º rotated canvas, with north to the upper right; the strange configuration allowed the whole Darokin Tunnel to be presented in a relatively small space.
The scale is also unusual, and possibly even unique among official maps, although in fact it’s easily compatible with the standard 8 mile hex maps.
Replica Map (5th April 2018)
Colourised replica of GAZ6’s Darokin Tunnel map, 4 miles per hex

- GAZ6 The Dwarves of Rockhome (1988) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- “Detail of the Darokin Tunnel (trail)”, Page 82
About Replica Maps
Unlike Updated maps, Replica maps are exact (or sometimes colourised) replicas of primary source maps. These source maps form the main source material of the Atlas of Mystara, from which all of the updated maps are made. Put simply:
- Replica maps present the world of Mystara as the original source materials depict it, warts and all. No attempt has been made to fix errors of any kind — even typos. Replica maps are always marked as such on this site.
- Updated maps present the Atlas of Mystara‘s consistent view of the world, with all errors, alignment issues, and so on fixed. Anything not marked as a replica map is an updated map.