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What would an atlas be without a gazetteer explaining all those place names? This somewhat experimental page reimplements the Geographic Index as an alphabetised gazetteer of the world of Mystara. With thousands of names to tackle, it will likely be a long time in the making. In the meantime, if you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to leave them below.
- Aalban (10)One of the Principalities of Glantri. First appeared in GAZ3 (1987).
- Aalban River (6)A river in northern Glantri. 60.8 miles long. Headwaters in the Wendarian Ranges. Flows south, joining the Vesubian River at Leenz. First appeared in X1 (1981); first named in GAZ3 (1987).
- Aasla (18)Capital city of the Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in M1 (1985).
- Aasla Isles (2)First appeared in Poor Wizard’s Almanac (1992).
- Aaslan Gulf (9)A large bay connected to the Eastern Sea of Dawn, located in southwestern Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Aaslan Spur Mountains (1)A variant name for the Aasla Spur Mountains. First appeared in M1 (1985), though as part of the larger western mountain range. Separated and named in Dawn of the Emperors (1989). Appeared as Aaslan Spur Mountains in Wrath of the Immortals (1992), but then as Aasla Spur Mountains in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aasla Spur Mountains (6)A mountain range in the Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in M1 (1985), though as part of the larger western mountain range. Separated and named in Dawn of the Emperors (1989). Appeared as Aaslan Spur Mountains in Wrath of the Immortals (1992), but then reverted to Aasla Spur Mountains in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aaslin (7)Capital city of the Kingdom of Notrion, Bellissaria, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Aa’Oow (1)First appeared in PC3 (1990).
- Abacot Tower (2)A tower in the Kingdom of Theranderol, Alphatian Empire. Located on a plateau overlooking The Gullet, a section of the main road between Vertiloch and Theranderol that runs through a valley. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Abaddon Woods (3)A forest in Gulluvia. First appeared in the original B3 (1981).
- Abandoned Tomb (1)First appeared in HWR2 (1991).
- Abashahr (2)A town in the Yezchamenid Empire. First appeared in Christian Constantin’s Western Brun (1999).
- Abbashan (15)Principal town of the Emirate of Abbashan, in the Emirates of Ylaruam. Also short form for that emirate. First appeared in GAZ2 (1987).
- Abbashan Oasis (3)First appeared in GAZ2 (1987), with the name appearing in the text.
- Abbey (6)The unnamed abbey of the Bhuts, on the Great Waste side of the Great Pass through the Black Mountains. First appeared in X4 (1983).
- Abbey of the Fourth Revelation (2)A church in the Holy Realm of Bettellyn, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Abbey of the Second Revelation (2)A church in the Holy Realm of Bettellyn, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Abbey of the Sixth Revelation (2)A church in the Holy Realm of Bettellyn, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Abbots’ Ford (2)
- Aberdon (1)
- Abisko (1)A village in Oland in the Kingdom of Ostland. First referenced in GAZ7 (1988), where it was listed as the Great Hall of one of the clans, though it did not appear on the map. Later, Jacob Skytte (2002) placed it on his maps.
- Abjureth (2)A large town in the Vice-Wizardate of Scarabellyn, Kingdom of Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Absu (2)First appeared in HWR2 (1991).
- Abukir Watch (5)A lighthouse on a small island off the coast of Dawnpoint in the Duchy of Tel Akbir, Empire of Thyatis. First appeared in TM2 (1989).
- Abutah (1)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Abyss, The (3)First appeared in PC3 (1990).
- Aca Kar (1)
- Acatlan Marshes (2)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Acestes (1)A village in the Duchy of Kerendas, Empire of Thyatis. First referenced in Joshuan’s Almanac (1995), though it never appeared on an official map. The Atlas of Mystara placed it in Kerendas, at Simone Neri’s suggestion.
- Achelos River (14)First appeared in GAZ1 (1987).
- Achelos Woods (14)First appeared in GAZ1 (1987).
- Acid Lake, The (1)
- Acropylae (1)First appeared in HWR3 (1992).
- Actaeon Forest (1)
- Actaeons Glens (3)
- Actius (8)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Adagio (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Ada Kar (1)
- Adakkia (7)A region of north central Davania. First appeared in Master (1985), spelled Addakia. Revised to Adakkia from Hollow World (1990) onwards.
- Adakkian Mountains (2)
- Adakkian Mounts (5)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Adakkian Sound (6)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Adakkian Wood (2)
- Adalinda (2)A village in Stonewall, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Addae (1)First appeared in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Addakia (2)A region of north central Davania. First appeared in Master (1985), spelled Addakia. Revised to Adakkia from Hollow World (1990) onwards.
- Addank (2)First appeared in HWA3 (1991).
- Addendum River (3)A river in Greenspur, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Adelind Tower (2)A tower in Stonewall, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Adera (1)
- Adiach (6)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Adilli (2)
- Adkazi (2)A fort guarding the entrance to Baalbeth Vale in the Duchy of Wyllareth, Frisland, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2013).
- Adk’klol (1)
- Adlerturm (7)First appeared in GAZ3 (1987).
- Adrassnar (1)
- Adrian Peak (6)Altitude 5,250 ft. First appeared in TM1 (1989).
- Adriarii Peaks (5)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Adri Varma (1)A large plateau northwest of the Known World, bordering Wendar in the east, Glantri in the southeast, and Sind in the south, with the Black Mountains to the southwest. First appeared in part in X1 (1981). First named in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Adri Varma Plateau (21)A large plateau northwest of the Known World, bordering Wendar in the east, Glantri in the southeast, and Sind in the south, with the Black Mountains to the southwest. First appeared in part in X1 (1981). First named in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Adruzzo Peak (3)Altitude 18,820 ft. First appeared in TM1 (1989).
- Adumbray (3)A town in the See of Adumbray, Eadrin, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Adunapolis (1)
- Adzif River (2)A river in the County of Västheim, Frisland, Empire of Alphatia. 104 miles long. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2013).
- Aebryn Lwynn (1)
- Aegopoli (12)First appeared in M5 (1987).
- Aegos (9)The western isle of the Alatian Islands, with the Alatian Sea to the north and the Sea of Pearls to the south.
- Aeleris Pits (3)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Denagoth (1997).
- Aelios (2)
- Aelsayr (1)
- Aelythnar (1)
- Aengmor (10)First appeared in Wrath of the Immortals (1992).
- Aeree (1)A town on the floating island of Archon Prime in Upper Archon District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aeree-upon-Land (2)A town in Lower Archon District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aergruth (5)First appeared in GAZ8 (1988).
- Aeria (8)The northern isle of the Alatian Islands, with the Alatian Sea to the south and the Strait of Alinquin to the north.
- Aerical (1)Northeastern continent of the Hollow World, situated between the Grey Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Tukluk Sea, and the Sea of Eadh. First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Aerimar Gauntlet (1)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Ae River (1)First appeared in Dragon 161 (1990).
- Aerlyss Pits (1)
- Aeryl (4)First appeared in Dragon 200 (1993).
- Aesthetia (3)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aetheria (1)A palace on the floating island of Wyvern Prime, in Upper Wyvern District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aethkul Glacier (3)A glacier in the Kerothar Mountains, Stoutfellow, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aethrel (1)
- Afass (5)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Afotir (5)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Agadito (2)First appeared in Dragon 170 (1991).
- Agloor (1)
- Agrigentum (1)
- Agrisa Fort (3)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Ahmovaara (1)
- Aht (2)A tower in the County of Orzafeth, Frisland, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2013).
- Ah’roog (5)First appeared in Dragon 185 (1992).
- Aifa River (2)First appeared in GAZ3 (1987).
- Aigues-la-chapelle (4)First appeared in Dragon 179 (1992).
- Aiguille de Puissance (2)First appeared in PC4 (1992).
- Aiguille du Chevalier (2)First appeared in PC4 (1992).
- Ailpon (4)A town in Lower Wraith District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Ainsun (15)First appeared in GAZ5 (1988).
- Airy Diggs (2)A village in Lower Sphinx District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aiviekste River (1)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Littonia (1998).
- Ajaruya (1)First appeared in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Ajumá (2)First appeared in Dragon 188 (1992).
- Akalis (2)
- Aka’kkil (1)
- Akesoli (37)A city in the Republic of Darokin, on the west coast of Lake Amsorak. Nicknamed “the diamond of the west”. First appeared in X1 (1981). The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World (c. 1976). Detailed in GAZ11 (1989). Mapped by Michele Carpita (2019).
- Akethepsur (2)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Akethotep (2)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Aki Kar (1)
- Akiti (1)
- Akize (1)
- Akkila’s Throne (3)Altitude 650 ft. First appeared in GAZ10 (1989).
- Aklul (1)
- Akluor (1)
- Akl’klol (1)
- Akorros (33)A city in the Republic of Darokin, on the east coast of Lake Amsorak. First appeared in X1 (1981). The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World, where it was “Akoros” (c. 1976). Detailed in GAZ11 (1989). Melestrua has been developing and mapping Akorros since 2020.
- Akrass (5)First appeared in GAZ10 (1989).
- Akrass Fortress (2)First appeared in GAZ10 (1989).
- Aks-e-Mandi River (2)
- Akuba (1)
- Alabaster (2)
- Aland (2)First appeared in GAZ7 (1988).
- Alanotepec (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Alapian Flow (5)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Alasiya (2)Short form for both the Emirate of Alasiya, a province of the Emirates of Ylaruam, and the Alasiyan Desert itself. The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World (c. 1976).
- Alasiyan Desert (23)A desert covering most of the Emirates of Ylaruam. First appeared in X1 (1981). The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World (c. 1976). Developed and mapped in GAZ2 (1987).
- Alatian Islands (13)An archipelago south of the Isle of Dawn consisting of five islands: Aegos, Aeria, Gaity, Ne-er-do-well, and Lesser Ne’er-do-well. First appeared in part in CM1 (1984), and in full in Master (1985); first named in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Alatians (5)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Alatian Sea (2)First appeared in Wrath of the Immortals (1992).
- Albasan (3)First appeared in Dragon 171 (1991).
- Albatros Hold (4)First appeared in TM1 (1989).
- Alchemos (7)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Alcove Island (12)First appeared in GAZ4 (1987).
- Aldhythe Castle (4)First appeared in Dragon 180 (1992).
- Aleea Bay (3)First appeared in TM1 (1989).
- Aleea Reefs (3)First appeared in TM1 (1989).
- Alexandrine Range (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Alfdale (1)First appeared in PC3 (1990).
- Alfden Desert (5)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Alfeisle (12)First appeared in GAZ9 (1988).
- Alfheim (70)Short form for both the Kingdom of Alfheim, a nation of the Known World; and Alfheim Town, its capital.
- Alfheim Town (15)Capital city of the Kingdom of Alfheim. First appeared in X10 (1985), where it was called simply “Alfheim”. Fully detailed and mapped in GAZ5 (1988), where it gained the “Town” suffix.
- Alfleish (7)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Alfmirth River (1)281 miles long.
- Alfmyr (5)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Alf Reef (1)First appeared in PC3 (1990).
- Alfwine River (9)First appeared in GAZ5 (1988).
- Algard Bay (2)First appeared in TM2 (1989).
- Algorn’s Last Stand (12)First appeared in GAZ5 (1988).
- Alhambra (11)First appeared in GAZ3 (1987).
- Alicor (3)First appeared in CM2 (1984).
- Alinea (2)
- Alinoor (2)
- Alinquin (8)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Alkadek (1)
- Allegiance Lake (2)Kingdom of Theranderol, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Allegory Isle (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Allegro (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Allesvyr (1)A village in southeastern Qeodhar. First appeared in Ramelin Mystara (2015).
- Alleybrooke (3)
- Allunshiye (1)
- Almarea Forest (1)
- Almarrón (5)The Estado de Almarrón, one of the Savage Baronies on the western Gulf of Hule, on the Savage Coast. First appeared in Dragon 175 (1991).
- Almavegas (2)First appeared in Dragon 175 (1991).
- Almisford Ruins (1)A ruined town in central Qeodhar. First appeared in the Mystaran Almanac AC 1018, in maps by Geoff Gander (2002).
- Alnwick (7)First appeared in TM1 (1989).
- Alol (3)
- Aloysius Island (10)First appeared in GAZ4 (1987).
- Aloysius Reefs (4)First appeared in TM1 (1989).
- Al Palace (1)
- Alpha (24)First appeared in CM1 (1984).
- Alphaks’ Island (2)A volcanic island off the northwestern coast of Alphatia. First appeared in M1 (1985), where it was known as Alphaks’ Volcano, sometimes misspelled as Alphak’s Volcano. The name was revised to better fit the quite sizeable island in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Alphaks’ Volcano (7)A volcanic island off the northwestern coast of Alphatia. First appeared in M1 (1985), where it was known as Alphaks’ Volcano, sometimes misspelled as Alphak’s Volcano. The name was revised to better fit the quite sizeable island in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Alphas River (5)412 miles long. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Alphatia (70)An island continent located in the seas between Brun and Skothar, with the Isle of Dawn to its southwest, Bellissaria to the southeast, and the Esterhold peninsula to the east. The heart of the Empire of Alphatia, it is split into numerous nations. First appeared in part and named in CM1 & Companion (1984); first appeared in full in Master (1985). Fully developed and mapped in Dawn of the Emperors (1989). Extensively developed and mapped in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012-2013).
- Alphatian Empire (1)First appeared in CM1 (1984).
- Alphatian Neatharum (1)First appeared in Wrath of the Immortals (1992).
- Alphatian Region (1)First appeared in Poor Wizard’s Almanac (1992).
- Alphatian Sea (36)A sea between Alphatia in the east, the Isle of Dawn in the south, and Norwold in the west. First appeared in CM1 (1984); first named in M1 (1985), where it is also referred to as the Sea of Alphatia.
- Alphil (1)
- Alphyn Spring (2)Kingdom of Theranderol, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Alpira (6)A town in the County of Randelforth, Randel, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Altan Tepe Mountains (35)A mountain range in the Known World, spanning the nations of Thyatis, Ylaruam, Karameikos, Darokin, Soderfjord, and Rockhome. First appeared in X1 (1981). The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World (c. 1976). The name became plural, Altan Tepes Mountains, from GAZ1 (1987) onwards. It was abbreviated to Altan Tepes from Wrath of the Immortals (1992).
- Altan Tepes (7)Short form for Altan Tepes Mountains, a mountain range in the Known World, spanning the nations of Thyatis, Ylaruam, Karameikos, Darokin, Soderfjord, and Rockhome. First appeared in X1 (1981). The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World (c. 1976). The name became plural, Altan Tepes Mountains, from GAZ1 (1987) onwards. It was abbreviated to Altan Tepes from Wrath of the Immortals (1992).
- Altan Tepes Borderlands (2)
- Altan Tepes Mountains (24)A mountain range in the Known World, spanning the nations of Thyatis, Ylaruam, Karameikos, Darokin, Soderfjord, and Rockhome. First appeared in X1 (1981). The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World (c. 1976). The name became plural, Altan Tepes Mountains, from GAZ1 (1987) onwards. It was abbreviated to Altan Tepes from Wrath of the Immortals (1992).
- Altar of the Korrigans (1)
- Altar of Vanya (1)
- Altendorf (1)
- Altendorf (Glantri) (8)A village in Bergdhoven, in the Principalities of Glantri. First appeared in GAZ3 (1987). Not to be confused with the town of Altendorf in the Heldannic Territories.
- Altendorf (Heldann) (12)A town in the Province of Altendorf, in the Heldannic Territories. First appeared in Wrath of the Immortals (1992). Not to be confused with the village of Altendorf in the Principalities of Glantri.
- Altenia (1)
- Altenwald (2)
- Alterion (2)First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Althaven (5)
- Aluna (1)First appeared in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Alvard’s Fall (2)
- Alvar’s Stead (1)
- Alyse (1)
- Alzea (1)
- Amalnaon (1)First appeared in the Atlas of Mystara (2018); named by Simone Neri (2018).
- Amalur (2)
- Amalur Lowlands (3)First appeared in Poor Wizard’s Almanac II (1993).
- Amanara (3)A settlement in the Kingdom of Morovoay, Isle of Cestia. First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Isle of Cestia, Oceania Region map (1997). First named in Geoff’s Description of the Isle of Cestia (1999).
- Amanis Hills (2)
- Amantlan (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Amara (1)
- Amari (1)First appeared in PC3 (1990).
- Amaron (2)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Lhomarr (1998).
- Ambastalasha (3)A settlement in the Kingdom of Manakara, Isle of Cestia. First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Isle of Cestia, Oceania Region map (1997). First named in Geoff’s Description of the Isle of Cestia (1999).
- Amber Mine (2)First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Ambiroa (3)A nation of the Isle of Cestia. The Kingdom of Ambiroa occupies the northeastern area of the island. First referenced in Dragon 155 (1990).
- Ambrosia Lake (2)
- Ambur (3)Province of the Empire of Alphatia, located in the northeastern part of the island continent. First named and developed in Dawn of the Emperors (1989). Extensively developed and mapped in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012-2013).
- Ambur River (2)91 miles long. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Amelinda (2)A village in Stonewall, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Amethyst (Heaven’s Crown) (1)A floating island in Upper Heaven’s Crown District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Amion (5)First appeared in Dragon 183 (1992).
- Amma-Sin (3)First appeared in Dragon 192 (1993).
- Ammalaneth (1)A village in the Realm of Wendar. First appeared in the Atlas of Mystara (2005), conceived by Geoff Gander.
- Amoleth (1)
- Amora (1)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Ampah (1)First appeared in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Amphisbæna Deep (2)Kingdom of Theranderol, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Amphitrion (1)First appeared in HWR3 (1992).
- Ampulia (2)Kingdom of Vertiloch, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Amsorak (Borderland) (1)
- Amsorak Mountains (4)First appeared in GAZ11 (1989).
- Amsorak River (5)First appeared in GAZ11 (1989).
- Amtha (2)First appeared in HWA3 (1991).
- Amtha Province (1)First appeared in HWA3 (1991).
- Amudo (1)
- Amulet River (2)A river in Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Amuro (1)
- Anada (1)
- Anamdio (2)
- Anaragh Crossing (2)
- Anaragh River (2)
- Anast (1)
- Anathy Archipelago (2)A string of islands running along the equator of the Hollow World, between Iciria and Jomphur. The Merry Pirates and Shahjapur are located there. First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Ancaramir (1)
- Ancestors Tree (2)
- Anchorage (4)First appeared in Poor Wizard’s Almanac (1992).
- Ancient Footsteps (1)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Ancient Temple (2)First appeared in B10 (1986).
- Andante Woods (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Andazaka (2)Capital city of the Kingdom of Ambiroa, Isle of Cestia. First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Isle of Cestia, Oceania Region map (1997). First named in Geoff’s Description of the Isle of Cestia (1999).
- Andilcarith (1)Great Silver River
- Andiorax (3)First appeared in Dragon 177 (1992).
- Androkia (3)A nation of the Isle of Cestia. The Kingdom of Androkia occupies the southern end of the island. First referenced in Dragon 155 (1990).
- Andu (1)
- Angathól (1)Lower Stoutfellow, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Angel Cove (4)First appeared in PC3 (1990).
- Angemmes (2)Kingdom of Theranderol, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Angesan River (7)First appeared in GAZ7 (1988).
- Angorit (3)First appeared in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Angry Waters (1)First appeared in GAZ14 (1991).
- Angstrom (2)An alternate name for the village of Storm Bay, Noslo Island, in the Kingdom of Ostland. First appeared in GAZ7 (1988), where the village label was ambiguously placed over the adjacent bay. This was taken to be the name for the bay in TM1 (1989), and the village was given a new name.
- Anguri (1)First referenced in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Animal Kingdoms (1)
- Ankarson (2)A village in Haltimark in the Kingdom of Ostland. First referenced in GAZ7 (1988), where it was listed as the Great Hall of one of the clans, though it did not appear on the map. Later, Jacob Skytte (2002) placed it on his maps.
- Ankavandra (2)A settlement in the Kingdom of Manakara, Isle of Cestia. First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Isle of Cestia, Oceania Region map (1997). First named in Geoff’s Description of the Isle of Cestia (1999).
- Ankesh (2)First appeared in Dragon 192 (1993).
- Annalya (2)
- Annisvall (1)
- Annurios (3)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Selhomarr (1997).
- Anram (15)First appeared in GAZ2 (1987).
- Anselbury (2)Short form for Fort Anselbury.
- Ansham (1)A small lake in the Nemkin Ylaka (Salt Swamp) in the Kingdom of Sind. First appeared in the Atlas of Mystara (2006); named by Simone Neri (2018).
- Ansimont (9)First appeared in GAZ11 (1989).
- Antalian Lands (1)
- Antalian Wastes (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Antarctic Circle (3)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Antarctic Ocean (1)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Antarctic Region (1)
- Antasyn (2)
- Anthill (1)
- Antimios (1)First appeared in HWR3 (1992).
- Antissea (1)First appeared in HWR3 (1992).
- Antro do Dragão (2)First appeared in Dragon 174 (1991).
- Anturbul (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Anubestah (1)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Anumoneh (2)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Anunak (1)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Anzhero (2)
- Aoollin River (2)
- Aos Si Castle (1)
- Aoul (1)First appeared in HWR2 (1991).
- Apara (1)First appeared in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Apastron (2)A town in the County of Stardust, Ambur, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Apatite (3)
- Aphelion (2)A village in the County of Stardust, Ambur, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Apimonsur (2)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Apitah (2)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Appendicea (2)
- Apsad River (2)
- Apsum (2)
- Aquas (6)Province of the Empire of Alphatia, located on the sea floor off the southeastern coast of the island continent. First named and developed in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Aquas Seashield (3)Province of the Empire of Alphatia, located beneath the sea off the southeastern coast of the island continent. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Aquillonia (2)
- Aquilonia Island (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Ara (1)
- Arabesque (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aragh River (2)
- Aralez Fields (1)
- Aramgar (1)
- Arana (3)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Arax (3)First appeared in Dragon 177 (1992).
- Araí (2)First appeared in Dragon 188 (1992).
- Arbandrine River (4)First appeared in GAZ11 (1989).
- Arbasu (2)
- Arboria (1)
- Arcadia (4)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Arcanium (3)First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archangelsk (2)
- Archcliffe Forest (3)Kingdom of Theranderol, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archdiocese of Magisteria (2)
- Archdiocese of Quanfax (2)
- Archduchy of Karameikos (1)James Mishler’s reimagining of the Known World nation of Karameikos. He first drafted its map in 2005, though it wasn’t published until 2022.
- Archivelle (2)
- Archmagency of Merlioness (2)A province of the Kingdom of Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Arch of Fire (8)First mentioned in CM1 (1984). Never appeared on an official map.
- Archon District (2)A district of the Kingdom of Floating Ar. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2013).
- Archon II (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon III (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon IV (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon IX (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon Prime (Haaken) (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon V (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon VI (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon VII (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon VIII (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archon X (1)A floating island in Upper Archon District, in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Archport (6)Capital city of the Kingdom of Eadrin, Empire of Alphatia. Located in the Great See of Archport. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989). Developed in Bruce Heard's Alphatia (2012).
- Arctic Circle (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Arctic Ocean (1)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Ardelphia (9)First appeared in GAZ11 (1989).
- Ardeth (3)
- Ardor (2)
- Arecomax (3)First appeared in Dragon 178 (1992).
- Arekne (2)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Littonia (1998).
- Aren (1)First appeared in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Argak (1)First appeared in Dragon 196 (1993).
- Argent-upon-Thera (3)Kingdom of Theranderol, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Argentine (2)First appeared in PC4 (1992).
- Argevin (5)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Argolan River (2)
- Arguendo River (2)
- Argundir (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Arican Kingdoms and Tribes (2)
- Arid Hills (1)
- Ari Kar (1)
- Arkaia (1)
- Arkan (1)
- Arkan (Stoutfellow) (1)
- Arlirath (5)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Arm, The (2)First appeared in TM2 (1989).
- Armet (2)
- Armiger (1)Kingdom of Vertiloch, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Armilae (1)Kingdom of Vertiloch, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Armiri (1)
- Arm of God (6)A large peninsula in southwestern Brun. First appeared in Master (1985), named the Arm of God. Revised to the Immortals’ Arm in Hollow World (1990), then to the Arm of the Immortals from Dragon 165 (1991) onwards.
- Arm of the Immortals (14)A large peninsula in southwestern Brun. First appeared in Master (1985), named the Arm of God. Revised to the Immortals’ Arm in Hollow World (1990), then to the Arm of the Immortals from Dragon 165 (1991) onwards.
- Arm of the Immortals Central Region (1)First appeared in Dragon 200 (1993).
- Armseye (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Armstead (9)First appeared in GAZ11 (1989).
- Army of Denagoth Bivouac (3)First appeared in X11 (1986).
- Arnatha (2)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Lhomarr (1998).
- Arnus River (7)First appeared in GAZ3 (1987).
- Arnuun (2)
- Arogansa (5)Province of the Empire of Alphatia, located in the southern part of the island continent. First named and developed in Dawn of the Emperors (1989). Extensively developed and mapped in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012-2013).
- Arogansa Island (3)First appeared in Poor Wizard’s Almanac (1992).
- Arogansa Range (3)A low mountain range in the west of the Kingdom of Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. It defines the border between Arogansa and Greenspur. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aroth-Dag (2)A tower in Limn, Alphatian Empire. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Arreghi (5)A town in Lower Hippogriff District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Ar Rising (2)A village in Lower Griffon District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Arristamir (1)
- Arshaor (1)
- Arstina (1)
- Arteapolis (1)First appeared in HWR3 (1992).
- Artelonai (1)First appeared in HWR3 (1992).
- Arwill Lake (1)
- Arwin (4)First appeared in GAZ8 (1988).
- Arypt (6)A region of northern Davania. First appeared in Master (1985).
- Aryptian Basin (3)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Aryptian Desert (6)First appeared in Dragon 157 (1990), where only the part nearest the Vulture Peninsula was marked as Southern Aryptian Desert.
- Aryptian Savannah (6)First appeared in Dragon 155 (1990).
- Arzarüm Orcish Reserve (3)First appeared in Dragon 172 (1991).
- Asag Lair (1)
- Asakku Caves (1)
- Asanda Plain (2)First referenced in Dragon 169 (1991). Never appeared on an official map.
- Asandapur (4)First appeared in Dragon 169 (1991).
- Asanda River (16)A river in the Kingdom of Sind, on the eastern edge of the Sind Desert. First appeared in X4 (1983).
- Asanda River Delta (2)A river delta in the Kingdom of Sind, on the coast of the Sea of Dread. First appeared in X4 (1983), though unlabelled. Changed to a narrow bay in Dragon 169 (1991), although the text nonetheless references the river’s delta; changed to a wider bay in Champions of Mystara (1993). Restored and first labelled in the Atlas of Mystara (2006).
- Asar Fort (1)
- Ascopal (5)A town in the Vice-Sorcelry of Talismeroth, Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Ascot Hills (2)Kingdom of Haven, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Ase Kar (1)
- Asgamoth (1)
- Ashamdim (2)First appeared in Dragon 183 (1992).
- Ashar (5)Kingdom of Vertiloch, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Ashbury (2)A village in the See of Nafertin, Eadrin, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Ashes (3)
- Ashin (1)
- Ashipun (5)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Ashiveh (2)
- Ashlawie (1)
- Ashmorain (1)First appeared in HWA2 (1991).
- Ashton Woods (2)First appeared in TM2 (1989).
- Asi (1)
- Asiah (2)First appeared in CM7 (1986).
- Aska Pass (2)
- Asteb (1)
- Asterii Road (1)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Asterii Woods (2)First appeared in GAZ13 (1990).
- Asthovit (1)
- Astra (2)A town in the County of Starfyre, Ambur, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Astral Plane (5)First appeared in Companion (1984).
- Ast River (3)123 miles long. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Asur (6)First appeared in Dragon 192 (1993).
- Atacalpa (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Atacoatli (5)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Atale (1)
- Atape (1)
- Atera (1)
- Athenos (20)A town on the Sea of Dread coast east of the Malpheggi Swamp in the Republic of Darokin. First appeared in X10 (1985). Detailed in GAZ11 (1989).
- Athenos Canal (4)First appeared in GAZ11 (1989).
- Atizapan (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Atizapan River (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Atlissini (3)
- Atlixco (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Atonement (4)
- Ator (4)First appeared in Dragon 185 (1992).
- Atrebax (3)First appeared in Dragon 177 (1992).
- Atruaghin (21)Short form for the Atruaghin Clans, a nation of the Known World. Also the capital “city” of the Atruaghin Clans, first appearing in X10 (1985); although it was marked as a city, it was noted in the text to be a seasonal meeting ground.
- Atruaghin Clans (43)A nation of the Known World. First appeared in X1 (1981). The name was inherited from Moldvay and Schick’s Known World (c. 1976). Fully developed and mapped in GAZ14 (1991). Remapped by Andrew Theisen, correcting the size of the plateau (2004).
- Atruaghin Plateau (1)
- Attasar (2)
- Atumna River (2)First appeared in Dragon 177 (1992).
- Atzanteocalli (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Atziluth (2)First appeared in CM7 (1986).
- Audunsborg (2)
- Augurata (3)
- Augurel Keep (3)A tower in the Fifth Ward, Kingdom of Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Auitzotlan (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Auitzotlomec (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Aulrûn (4)First appeared in Dragon 200 (1993).
- Aura (2)A village in the Vice-Wizardate of Scarabellyn, Kingdom of Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aure (1)
- Auriga (2)A village in the County of Skyreach, Ambur, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aurora River (2)First appeared in M5 (1987).
- Aurskog (1)A village in Hadmark in the Soderfjord Jarldoms. First referenced in GAZ7 (1988), where it was listed as the Great Hall of one of the clans, though it did not appear on the map.
- Autuasmaa Plain (1)
- Avair (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Avakinel (5)First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Avayr (1)
- Aviary (1)A tower on the floating island of Wraith, in Upper Wraith District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Aviem (2)First appeared in Dragon 183 (1992).
- Avien Plains (1)
- Avinar (1)
- Avrads (6)A large town in the Coventrie of Yalastrian, Kingdom of Arogansa, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Avxer Fort (1)
- Awari (1)
- Awisburg (1)
- Awlsburg (1)
- Awog (3)First appeared in Dragon 200 (1993).
- Axateotl (4)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Axe-in-the-Fyr (2)
- Axelkeep (2)First appeared in TM2 (1989).
- Axi (1)
- Ayrissom (2)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Selhomarr (1997).
- Ayskudag (5)First appeared in Dragon 172 (1991).
- Ayskudag Wastelands (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Azadgal (3)A variant name for the province of East Jhengal in the Kingdom of Sind. First appeared in Dragon 169 (1991), as East Jhengal. Renamed to Azadghal in Champions of Mystara (1993).
- Azafeth Ridge (2)A ridge connecting the Frislandic Range in the north to the greater Kerothar Mountains in the south. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989); named in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2013).
- Azafez (3)A town in the Marquisate of Azafeth, Frisland, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Dawn of the Emperors (1989).
- Azaht (2)A village in the County of Hosseta, Frisland, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2013).
- Azareth (2)A village in the County of Västheim, Frisland, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2013).
- Azatut (1)
- Azca (2)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Azcaltzinco (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Azcan Empire (6)First appeared in Hollow World (1990).
- Azcapoltzalco (1)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Azeribal (1)
- Azest (3)A village in the Palaal Valley, Stoutfellow, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Azhat-Ith (1)
- Aziza Hills (1)
- Azor’s Castle (1)First appeared in X11 (1986).
- Aztlan Mountains (3)First appeared in HWR1 (1991).
- Azurean (2)Kingdom of Theranderol, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Azure Fort (1)
- Azurite (3)A village in Lower Griffon District, Floating Ar, Empire of Alphatia. First appeared in Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012).
- Azurun (8)First appeared in Dragon 172 (1991).
- Az’Ath (1)First appeared in Geoff Gander’s Y’hegg-T’uhath (2000).
- A’shamor (1)