Glantri, 8 miles per hex
Glantri is a large nation located northwest of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. It is a federation of ten principalities ruled by a council of wizards. Glantri is a nation run by magic-users, for magic-users. Their goal is to promote magic and make it the leading power in the world. At the hub of their power stands the Great School of Magic where most Glantrian mages and countless numbers of foreign spell-casters come in a pilgrimage to acquire the finest Glantrian techniques in magic-use.
from GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri, by Bruce Heard
Map (December 2020)

- GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri (1987) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- TM1 The Western Countries (1989)
- Rules Cyclopedia (1991) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Glantri: Kingdom of Magic (1995) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Dungeon Magazine Issue #26 (1990)
- PC2 Top Ballista (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Dragonlord of Mystara (1994)
GAZ3’s Glantri poster map was one of the most complete maps presented in the Gazetteer series, and the updated map reflects this in its general lack of updates. It’s a great map, with a clear theme and many details, but still leaving tons of room for expansion.
- Battle of Skullhorn Pass – “645 AC: A Great Khan attempts a major invasion of Glantri but is defeated at Skullhorn Pass.” (GAZ12 DM’s Guide page 5c) This battle has been marked on the map.
- Bergdhoven — GAZ3’s map has Bergdhovern. This is the only occurrence of this spelling; the text of GAZ3, as well as the Rules Cyclopedia, TM1, and Glantri: Kingdom of Magic all list the principality as Bergdhoven.
- Colossus Mounts — “The Colossus Mounts to the west [of Ethengar] form the border with Glantri. The clouds that constantly obscure the highest peaks make measuring their exact height impossible, but they are believed to be at least 25,000 feet high. The Colossus Mounts form an almost impenetrable barrier into the Principalities of Glantri.” (GAZ12 DM’s Guide page 6a)
- Dovehold — this “obscure barony” was mentioned on page 36 of Dungeon #26, in the adventure “Caravan Guards”: “Fredrikka of Dovehold (9th-level Glantrian sorceress). This young lady recently graduated from the Great School of Magic in Glantri City and has since been traveling throughout the Known World in search of adventure. Her parents rule the obscure barony of Dovehold in a wooded valley of the Wendarian Ranges far to the north.” It has been added in one of the valleys, north-northeast of Uigmuir.
- Evergreen Forests — page 7 of GAZ3 explains in detail the types of trees that grow in Glantri. Basically, the trees of Erewan and Belcadiz are oak, while the rest are mostly a mix of evergreen trees. Combined with the information from the Wrath of the Immortals map, we can safely say that aside from the Elven oaks, all of the forests marked on Glantri’s 8 mile per hex map are evergreen.
- Redstone — called Blackstone on Glantri: Kingdom of Magic map.
- Skullhorn Pass Camp — on GAZ3’s poster map, the caption for this camp is 5 or 6 hexes away from the actual camp. This mistake was corrected in later maps such as in the Rules Cyclopedia.
- Spelling Issues — Glantri: Kingdom of Magic‘s poster map introduces a number of spelling variations, which are likely just errors. Huledain is labelled Huladain (and Huledain Camp is Camp Huladain), Les Hiboux is Les Hibou, Adlertum is Adlerltum, Kutchevski is Kutcheviski,
- Stekel — PC2’s Adventures Booklet page 15 lists “Baron Miroslav Gorevitch-Stekel”, a “Glantrian Nosferatu Noble”. His name and race suggest a connection with Boldavia. His barony has been added north of Pavlova, using the latter part of his family name.
- Torkyn Fall — this ruined city appeared in Dragonlord of Mystara. The location near the Three Fires Volcanoes is derived from the description in the novel.
Thanks to:
Michele Carpita (LoZopmatore), Stone Marshall (multizar), Mike (metal), Simone Neri (Zendrolion), Andrew Theisen (Cthulhudrew), Joseph Triplett
And of course Bruce Heard