Greenspur, 8 miles per hex
Greenspur: a realm of lawmen, accountants, and bureaucrats.Its most notorious trait is its ancient tradition of bureaucracy. As pointed out in better-known travelers’ digests, Greenspur is the most vellumwork-happy realm of Alphatia. No sentient creature unable to defy the laws of this land may enter or freely go about without proper documentation. And proper documentation comes with many pages, even more fees, and to match the latter, stamps, seals, and fancy ribbons. The ever-expanding bureaucracy feeds upon itself for its own sake, for if it didn’t, the entire system would collapse. Naturally, one must produce the precious records upon request. Leaving or entering any of the realm’s jurisdictions require — yes my friend, you guessed it — more fees and more documentation.
from Bruce Heard’s The Alphatian Province of Greenspur
Map (updated 19th March 2018)

- Greenspur, 8 mile per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Dawn of the Emperors (1989)
- The Empire of Alphatia 24 mile per hex poster map
As with all his Alphatia 8 mile per hex maps, Bruce Heard added a great deal of detail and character to the region when converting from 24 miles per hex. The Atlas considers Bruce’s map to be the definitive source for Greenspur.