HWA3 Shahjapur, 8 miles per hex
The conclusion of the Blood Brethren trilogy of Hollow World adventures brought with it the trilogy’s only major new hex map: Northwestern Shahjapur, located in the Anathy Archipelago, west of the main continent of Iciria.
The map itself has a strange rotation that effectively puts west at the top of the page, with the usual hex columns running east to west. This is 90º different from most Mystara maps.
But even stranger still is the massive proliferation of cities around the Bay of Djamballa, suggesting overcrowding on a scale never seen anywhere else in Mystara’s maps. And yet the adjacent lands seem all but empty.
It’s without a doubt one of Mystara’s strangest maps.
Replica Map (May 2018)

- HWA3 Nightstorm (1991) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Poster map (Cartography by Dennis Kauth)
Chronological Analysis
This is Map 161. It was published in March 1991. The updated version of this map has not yet been released. See also Appendix C for annual chronological snapshots of the area. For the full context of this map in Mystara’s publication history, see Let’s Map Mystara 1990.
The following lists are from the Let’s Map Mystara project. Additions are new features, introduced in this map. Revisions are changes to previously-introduced features. Hex Art & Fonts track design elements. Finally, Textual Additions are potential features found in the related text. In most cases, the Atlas adopts these textual additions into updated and chronological maps.
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- Nations — Shahjapur.
- Provinces —
- Settlements — Addank, Amtha, Beohari, Bhima, Buj, Dharsatra, Djamballah, Dunagar, Gondwash, Hadjalore, Kandabarga, Kombakonam, Kumool, Rachoti, Ragneesh, Rayachotna, Shandwah, Tarjeelin.
- Terrain —
- Coasts — The coasts of this island in the Anathy Archipelago don’t quite match those on the world map, although they do bear enough resemblance to allow for matching them up.
Hex Art & Fonts
- Fonts — Feinen throughout.