Imperial Territories, 8 miles per hex
There is a reason why these lands still remain to this day forbidden to all.
from Frisland: The Marquisate of Azafeth, by Bruce Heard
Map (updated 23rd March 2018)

- Frisland, 8 mile per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Foresthome, 8 mile per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Bettellyn, 8 miles per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Vertiloch, 8 miles per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Dawn of the Emperors (1989)
- The Empire of Alphatia 24 mile per hex poster map
Secondary Sources
- Ramelin Mystara Imperial Territories, 8 miles per hex Version 2.0
- Ramelin Mystara Imperial Territories, 8 miles per hex
The Imperial Territories are one of only three provinces not redeveloped in Bruce Heard’s 2012-2013 Alphatia project. (Unfortunately, Bruce’s project was derailed; on the other hand, we did get Calidar as a result.)
There are scattered mentions in the write-ups of surrounding lands, most notably Foresthome and Frisland. The article quoted at the top of this page has the most conclusive detail, although it’s still not that much. The general theme across all of these references is that of a land shut off for reasons of safety.Map-wise, only a small square in the southwestern part of the province was not covered by Bruce’s maps. Nevertheless, Ignacio Ramos took Bruce’s idea and gave it form in the Worldwound Gash. He added this feature to Bruce’s missing area. Bruce loved the idea, so the Atlas uses it to complete Bruce’s map of the province.Ignacio went on to revise the Worldwound Gash in a second version of his map, expanding it so that it takes up a bit more space and looks even more threatening. The Atlas considers this version to be a future era map, while the first version shows the state in 1000 AC.
- Worldwound Gash — a catastrophic rip in the very fabric of the land, the Worldwound Gash is a danger not just to Alphatia but to all of Mystara. What could be lurking in its depths? What is causing it to slowly expand, and how big will it eventually get? These are all valid questions, but the Atlas leaves the exact nature of the Gash up to individual DMs.
Thanks to:
Bruce Heard, Ignacio Ramos