Maps divided by type. I suspect it will be easier to look up maps using one of the other indices, as many of these categories are too full to be easily searchable. On the other hand, if you are looking for a niche map type, such as world maps, or economic maps, you have come to the right place.
- Chronological maps (106)Chronological maps present updated snapshots of Mystara as it could have been assembled at a certain point in time.
- Climate maps (0)Climate maps show the climate types of Mystara, often together with meteorological details such as winds and ocean currents.
- Economic maps (1)
- Fan-made maps (487)Fan-made maps present the world of Mystara as developed by members of the fan community. The Atlas includes commentary and notes on each map.
- Legends (10)
- Migration maps (2)
- Political maps (2)
- Replica maps (195)Replica maps present the world of Mystara as the original source materials depict it, warts and all. No attempt has been made to fix errors of any kind — even typos.
- Thematic maps (4)Thematic maps show something other than the usual topographic and political details. Examples include climate maps, economic maps, population density maps, and so on.
- Town maps (8)Town maps show Mystara’s settlements up close.
- Trail maps (4)Trail maps combine multiple maps to present huge swathes of Mystara’s terrain together in a single, monstrous file.
- Underground maps (12)Underground maps provide a glimpse of the extensive caverns and tunnels beneath Mystara’s surface.
- Undersea maps (5)Undersea maps show the lands beneath the waves, teeming with life on the sea floor.
- Updated maps (52)Updated maps present the Atlas of Mystara’s consistent view of the world, with all errors, alignment issues, and so on fixed.
- World maps (7)