Karameikos 1009 AC, 8 miles per hex
As melting ice opens the mountain passes, many of the elvish clans of Alfheim finally reach Karameikos. King Stefan, who had indicated that they would be welcome in Karameikos, tells them they can settle wherever local elf-clans and communities will let them integrate.
from Wrath of the Immortals, by Aaron Allston
Map (April 2021)

- Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
Fan Sources
- Atlas of Mystara (2005-present)
The events of 1008 AC primarily relate to Alfheim: to the north, the Canolbarth completes its transformation into a twisted and largely dead forest. Meanwhile, refugees from Alfheim arrive in Karameikos. Their exact location is not very well established, though it is clear that they arrive from the north, along the King’s Road.
- Aengmor — In autumn 1007, following the exodus of the Alfheim elves, ”The Shadow Elves occupy the completely mutated Canolbarth forest. They rename their new nation Aengmor.” (Wrath of the Immortals Book Two, page 84)
- Alfheim Elves — In spring 1008, “many of the elvish clans of Alfheim finally reach Karameikos.” They are mostly settled in the eastern forests bordering Thyatis — in other words, they are to displace the Dymrak Goblins and take their territory in the Dymrak Forest. (Wrath of the Immortals Book Two, page 85) This reference is rather ambiguous. After some discussion in the community, the Atlas interprets “eastern forests” as the forests east of the King’s Road, and therefore east or southeast of Kelvin. It is assumed that this initial location is a temporary solution — essentially a refugee camp.
- Karameikos at the Vaults of Pandius
- Karameikos map thread at The Piazza
- Karameikos 1009 AC: Alfheim refugees discussion thread at The Piazza
Thanks to:
Francesco Defferrari, Paul Dupuis, Robin, Hausman Santos, Andrew Theisen, Joseph Triplett.