Karameikos 1012 AC, 8 miles per hex
Karameikos, a very young kingdom in a very old land, lies on the southern coast of the continent of Brun on the planet Mystara, in a region its inhabitants call the Known World. As kingdoms go, it is a small one. A rider on a fast horse can travel from Karameikos’s capital, Mirros, to its westernmost settlement at Fort Doom in a day, to its easternmost village of Rugalov in a day and a half, and to King’s Road Keep in the Altan Tepes Mountains to the north in two days. Yet within its boundaries any group of enthusiastic heroes can find enough adventure, danger, treachery, and excitement to satisfy them.
from Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure, by Aaron Allston
Map (January 2025)

- GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of Karameikos (1987) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Poor Wizard’s Almanac II (1993) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure (1994) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
Fan Sources
- cmonty’s Karameikos (1998)
- Cthulhudrew’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex (1998)
- Atlas of Mystara (2005-present)
The 1012 AC version of Karameikos has proven to be quite a challenge to produce. Despite the existence of an official map for this year in Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure, that map in fact did not reflect many of the changes the nation had already undergone during the Wrath of the Immortals and its aftermath in the Almanac series.
The biggest sticking points are the locations of elven refugees, and the exact borders of newly granted dominions. These are in fact closely related issues, as the new dominions are all elven.
For now, I have chosen not to mark borders for the Elven Estates, in keeping with the gnomish dominion of Highforge, which has also never had its border marked.
- Barony of Halag — With the fall of Baron Ludwig von Hendriks, the Black Eagle Barony now become the Barony of Halag, named after the original name for Fort Doom. The town of Fort Doom retains its name for now. (PWA2 pages 198-199)
- Estate of Achelos — Alfheim refugees were given this forest. (PWA2 pages 198-199, Karameikos 2E Explorer’s Guide pages 7 and 116)
- Estate of Radlebb — Alfheim refugees were granted these lands east of Koriszegy Keep, adjacent to the Callarii elves’ lands near Rifllian. (PWA2 pages 198-199, Karameikos 2E Explorer’s Guide pages 7 and 116)
- Estate of Rifllian — These lands have long been known to be inhabited by Callarii elves, but Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure makes this more formal, naming their lands as a titled estate. (Karameikos 2E Explorer’s Guide pages 7 and 116)
- Mirros — King Stefan changed the name of Specularum to Mirros on the first day of 1012 AC. (Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure poster map, PWA3 page 153)
- Karameikos at the Vaults of Pandius
- Karameikos map thread at The Piazza
- Karameikos 1009 AC: Alfheim refugees discussion thread at The Piazza
Thanks to:
Francesco Defferrari, Paul Dupuis, Sionainn Mac Innéirghe, Robin, Hausman Santos, Andrew Theisen, Joseph Triplett.