22.5 miles per hex
Regional maps sometimes use this scale. Each hex measures 22.5 miles from side to side, encompassing 438.4 square miles, with a perimeter of 77.9 miles. (This is the Actual Scale of some maps with a Nominal Scale of 24 miles per hex — notably the Isle of Dawn originating in Dawn of the Emperors.)
- Alatian Islands
- Alphatia
- Alphatian Sea
- Arm of the Immortals
- Bellissaria
- Blackmoor
- Borea
- Brun
- Chronological maps
- Davania
- Esterhold
- Fan-made maps
- Great Northway Lands
- Great Waste
- Hollow World
- Hule
- Hyborea
- Iciria
- Isle of Dawn
- Italian
- Known World
- Laterre
- Midlands
- Minaea
- News
- Norwold
- Ochalea
- Orc's Head Peninsula
- Outer World
- Patera
- Pearl Islands
- Replica maps
- Savage Coast
- Sea of Dread
- Sea of Steam
- Serpent Peninsula
- Skothar
- Suridal
- Updated maps