Stoutfellow, Stonewall & Limn, 8 miles per hex
This is a nation of windswept mountain peaks, deserted glaciers, and deep, dark valleys. With a population density of 3 people per square mile, few will be rubbing shoulders outside urban centers. The vast majority of the population is concentrated in the river valleys in the realm’s southern half.
from Bruce Heard’s The Alphatian Province of Stoutfellow
Map (January 2016)

- Stoutfellow, 8 mile per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Stonewall, 8 mile per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Limn, 8 miles per hex map by Bruce Heard
- Dawn of the Emperors (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- The Empire of Alphatia 24 mile per hex poster map
As with all his 8 mile per hex maps of Alphatia, Bruce Heard added a great deal of detail and character to the region when converting from 24 miles per hex. The Atlas considers Bruce’s map to be the definitive source for this region.
These were the first maps Bruce worked on for his Alphatia project, which started out with maps and demographics before moving into a familiar gazetteer style. The level of detail in each province increased as he worked through them, so that there’s little information on Stonewall and Limn, but a large volume on the later provinces such as Ar and Frisland.
Stoutfellow saw the most extensive development, including a corresponding shadowdeeps map detailing the underground realm.
- Stoutfellow at the Vaults of Pandius
- Stonewall at the Vaults of Pandius
- Limn at the Vaults of Pandius
- Stoutfellow, Stonewall & Limn map thread at The Piazza