The Broken Lands
An area of the Known World claimed by humanoids, subdivided into numerous humanoid nations. The land was ruined in the cataclysm of 1700 BC. Includes an extensive underground domain known as the Lower Broken Lands. First appeared in X1 (1981). Fully developed in GAZ10 (1989).
- Alatian Islands
- Alphatia
- Alphatian Sea
- Arm of the Immortals
- Bellissaria
- Blackmoor
- Borea
- Brun
- Chronological maps
- Davania
- Esterhold
- Fan-made maps
- Great Northway Lands
- Great Waste
- Hollow World
- Hule
- Hyborea
- Iciria
- Isle of Dawn
- Italian
- Known World
- Laterre
- Midlands
- Minaea
- News
- Norwold
- Ochalea
- Orc's Head Peninsula
- Outer World
- Patera
- Pearl Islands
- Replica maps
- Savage Coast
- Sea of Dread
- Sea of Steam
- Serpent Peninsula
- Skothar
- Suridal
- Updated maps