Theranderol, 8 miles per hex
Theranderol is a land of small secluded lakes and windswept plateaux. Some say that each is unique and veils a secret of its own. Although predominantly wizards, Theran aristocrats who inherited the realm from its founders fancy the romantic manner of knights and gallantry.
from Bruce Heard’s The Alphatian Province of Theranderol
Map (January 2016)

- Dawn of the Emperors (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Bruce Heard’s Alphatia (2012-2013)
- Theranderol, 8 miles per hex map by Bruce Heard
As with all his 8 mile per hex maps of Alphatia, Bruce Heard added a great deal of detail and character to the region when converting from 24 miles per hex. The Atlas considers Bruce’s map to be the definitive source for this region.
I extended the eastern edge of the map slightly from Bruce’s original version to show more of Randel, so that I could keep its labels inside its borders. This is a general policy of the Atlas: keep political labels within the relevant country where possible.
The Thera River splits into two rivers just after it passes Errolyn, with the Thera continuing to the south while the Randel River goes east. This is a very rare occurrence, although it does happen, and is known as river bifurcation. It originates on the original 24 mile per hex map.
There’s a second instance of bifurcation in northeastern Theranderol, with the Opinicus Lake. This is known as lake bifurcation, and it does occur in the real world, although again it’s not a common thing.
8 January 2016 @ 10:19 pm
Some names appear to be missing their icons in the Southern portion: Magnesium, Fort Pale, Fort Fester, First Ward, and Fourth Ward.
Your work in Adobe Illustrator is stunning, and convinces me that is the best program to use for hex maps. Vector graphics FTW, as they say.
As a test for the site though, the map works.. and I guess this will be a test for the replies 🙂
9 January 2016 @ 4:15 am
Welcome, Morfie!
Thanks very much for the corrections. These maps of Bruce’s are so dense that it takes many hours to reproduce them — far longer than most of Mystara’s other maps. I was sure I had missed out something. I’ll fix them and update the map here later.
Yes, Illustrator is absolutely king when it comes to hex maps. It’s not necessarily the fastest way, but it definitely gets the prettiest results. It is also very easy to go in and fix things after the fact, including palette and symbol changes across the map just by changing a single colour or symbol definition.