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  1. A blog fan
    8 January 2022 @ 6:00 pm

    Hi Thorf!

    I don’t get how the 90° S of the Outer and Inner world do not coincide with one another and the Absolute South circle.

    How are they measuring angles here?


    • Thorfinn Tait
      9 January 2022 @ 12:13 pm

      That has always puzzled me, too. It’s all rather confusing.

      The problem with latitudes is that the land ceases to be spherical and instead follows the model of a torus. The meeting point between the two models is wherever the polar lip begins, which wasn’t entirely clear in official maps, but the Atlas has placed at 60º. That means that anything higher than 60º latitude isn’t really going to have a latitude number that makes sense.

      Moreover, the way the model is put together, absolute south actually occurs relatively soon after 60º — a quick look at the diagram suggests that the distance between Outer World 60º and absolute south is only about one sixth of the total length of the toroidal area.

      To be frank, I don’t think this map is going to end up being remotely like what the true state of the lands looks like. But it’s an awfully hard thing to conceptualise and draw, so my hat is nevertheless off to the original cartographer. I haven’t even managed to attempt such a thing yet myself.

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