Known World, 24 miles per hex (1982)
1982 was the slowest year in Mystara’s history, yielding only a single new geographic map. What’s more, that map included only a single new settlement: the town of Rhoona, in Vestland, which became the first town to be marked on a 24 mile per hex map.
B4 The Lost City was also released in the same year, but its location would not become clear until 1983.
Chronological Map (September 2021)

This map is part of the Mystara 1982 series of chronological maps. It is an updated map, incorporating all available sources and made internally consistent with other maps in its series. But it only uses sources published in or before 1982.
For more information, see Appendix C: Cartographic Chronology.
- Mystara 1981
- X3 Curse of Xanathon (1982) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
For detailed notes, see the posts for each individual source map at the links above.
- Hex Art — In accordance with X3’s Rhoona symbol, the towns on the map have been changed to a medium version of the city symbol. Combined with B3’s village (an even smaller version of the same), this is quite confusing.
- Let’s Map Mystara 1981-1982 — the original project thread for this map
- Known World at the Vaults of Pandius