Tim’s Known World, 24 miles per hex
At some point after completing his Campaign Cartographer 2 maps (Karameikos, Five Shires and Thyatis) in late 1998, Tim created a full set of Known World hex maps. He distributed these through his Realms of Mystara web page. The page itself is long gone; although the Wayback Machine has preserved a snapshot of it, none of the images are present. Thankfully, Thibault Sarlat saved a copy and preserved most of them in his map archive. This 24 mile per hex map is the only exception: it was missing, but I managed to find a copy on Pinterest.
The hex art used in these maps is unmistakably that of Paul Holroyd. I asked Paul about this, and he said that he doesn’t remember sharing his files, although he may have done so and just forgotten. Thus far, I have been unable to get in touch with Tim himself to check.
In any case, since this is clearly Paul’s Illustrator art, it seems likely that Tim also used Illustrator to create the terrain. He may well have then used another program to draw the rivers and roads.
The date stamp on the map files is July 2001, though this may reflect the date of download rather than the date of creation. Given all of the above, these maps must have been made at some point between September 1999 (when Paul posted his maps) and July 2001 (when Thibault saved Tim’s maps). As Tim was active on the MML again in early 2001, this seems the most likely date.
The map itself is interesting in its use of different colours for each nation’s labels. Tim continued this into the maps for each nation. It’s not entirely consistent on this map, though the reason for this is unclear. Aside from the colourful labels, there’s nothing of particular note with Tim’s rendering of the familiar Known World area here.
Fan-made Map by Tim Roberts (c. July 2001)

This is an original map created by one of Mystara’s excellent fan cartographers. For more information on the cartographer, including a gallery of all their maps, see also Appendix M: Mappers of Mystara.
The Atlas has been unable to contact the original cartographer. This map therefore appears here without explicit permission from its creator. Any information on how to get in touch with them would be most welcome.
- X1 The Isle of Dread (1981) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Rules Cyclopedia (1991) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
Fan Sources
- None
- All of Tim’s maps at the Atlas of Mystara
Chronological Analysis
This is a fan-made map. It was likely published in July 2001. The updated Atlas version of this map is not yet available. See also Appendix C for annual chronological snapshots of the area. For the full context of this map in Mystara’s publication history, see the upcoming Let’s Map Mystara 2001. (Please note that it may be some time before the project reaches this point.)
The following lists are from the Let’s Map Mystara project. Additions are new features, introduced in this map. Revisions are changes to previously-introduced features. Hex Art & Fonts track design elements. Finally, Textual Additions are potential features found in the related text. In most cases, the Atlas adopts these textual additions into updated and chronological maps.
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Hex Art & Fonts
- Hex Art — Paul Holroyd’s hex symbols for Adobe Illustrator.
- Font — Mael.