Tim’s Known World, 8 miles per hex
Tim himself never produced a combined version of all of his Known World hex maps, as far as I know. When Thibault sent me his cache of maps back in December 2020, I was thrilled to discover the full set of Tim’s maps. I missed them when he first posted them back at the turn of the millennium. Naturally, on seeing a full set of Known World hex maps, I immediately wanted to put them all together.
This is the result: a Tim Roberts Trail Map of the Known World. I performed only minor edits — just enough to make everything fit together, really. The resolution of Heldann was slightly different from the rest of the maps, so I had to do some scaling. Otherwise, everything appears as Tim designed it on the individual maps.
It’s wonderful to add this to the growing body of Mystaran cartography here at the Atlas of Mystara. If you’re out there somewhere, thank you, Tim!
Combining Fan-made Maps by Tim Roberts (January 2021)

This is an original map created by one of Mystara’s excellent fan cartographers. For more information on the cartographer, including a gallery of all their maps, see also Appendix M: Mappers of Mystara.
The Atlas has been unable to contact the original cartographer. This map therefore appears here without explicit permission from its creator. Any information on how to get in touch with them would be most welcome.
- GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of Karameikos (1987) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam (1987) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri (1987) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ4 The Kingdom of Ierendi (1987) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ5 The Elves of Alfheim (1988) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ6 The Dwarves of Rockhome (1988) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ7 The Northern Reaches (1988) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ8 The Five Shires (1988) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds (1988) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ10 The Orcs of Thar (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ11 The Republic of Darokin (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ12 The Golden Khan of Ethengar (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- GAZ14 The Atruaghin Clans (1991) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
- Dawn of the Emperors (1989) (PDF at DriveThruRPG)
Fan Sources
- Tim’s Thyatis (1998)
- Tim’s Karameikos (1998)
- Tim’s Five Shires (1998)
- Tim’s Known World, 24 miles per hex (2001)
- Component Maps:
- Tim’s Alfheim, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Broken Lands, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Darokin, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Ethengar, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Five Shires, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Glantri, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Heldann, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Ierendi, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Karameikos, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Minrothad, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Northern Reaches, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Rockhome, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Thyatis, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- Tim’s Ylaruam, 8 miles per hex (2001)
- All of Tim’s maps at the Atlas of Mystara
Chronological Analysis
This is a fan-made map. The component maps were likely published in July 2001; the combined map was completed in January 2021. The updated Atlas version of this map is Known World, 8 miles per hex. See also Appendix C for annual chronological snapshots of the area. For the full context of this map in Mystara’s publication history, see the upcoming Let’s Map Mystara 2001. (Please note that it may be some time before the project reaches this point.)
The following lists are from the Let’s Map Mystara project. Additions are new features, introduced in this map. Revisions are changes to previously-introduced features. Hex Art & Fonts track design elements. Finally, Textual Additions are potential features found in the related text. In most cases, the Atlas adopts these textual additions into updated and chronological maps.
None, aside from minor editing to merge the maps together.
Hex Art & Fonts
- Hex Art — Paul Holroyd’s Adobe Illustrator hex symbols.
- Fonts — Mael, Times New Roman.