After the major revelations of the previous year, 1986 was a relatively quiet year for Mystaran cartography, with only four or five products including new maps. Only one presented a new area, while others provided further development of existing nations.
But if that description makes it sound like little was added, in fact that couldn’t be further from the truth. 1985’s maps expanded the world, but 1986’s went deeper.
Karameikos Revisited
Many consider B10 Night’s Dark Terror to be one of the best adventures ever written. In terms of maps and setting, B10 delved deeper into the setting’s home region of Karameikos than ever before. It mapped out a large tract of the nation in detail at 3 miles per hex, going into even more detail with two subsections. The text added even more, including history for the region.
Expanding the Known World
The other great achievement of 1986 was the expansion of the Known World. X11 finally completed the Heldann Freeholds, which had been lurking at the edge of the map since 1981’s original X1. At the same time, it introduced Wendar and Denagoth, filling in the lands west of Heldann and north of Glantri. Unfortunately, the map also introduced an infamous conflict with CM1’s Norwold map, which would plague cartographers for decades to come.
The Sylvan Realm also appeared in the far northwest. This rather tiny realm would come to hold a lot of significance for Mystara’s elves.
Finally, the Immortals Set presented the Multiverse in its clearest form yet. It also tweaked the cosmology, switching the order of the elemental planes.
The Maps
These maps have been made internally consistent, adopting the most detailed shapes and positions of each element.
Note that maps remaining unchanged from the previous three years do not appear here. Please refer to Mystara 1983, Mystara 1984, and Mystara 1985 for those maps.
- Art — the printed style from 1981’s Expert Rulebook‘s Legend, with additional symbols from the 1983 Expert Rules Set‘s Legend.
- Fonts — Baskerville. Helvetica was the only other font to make an appearance, although there was also hand-written text.

For more details on the individual maps and their interpretation here, please refer to the original Let’s Map Mystara project articles listed below.
- Let’s Map Mystara 1986
- Let’s Read the Known World/Mystara post 498 — 1986 discussion starts at this post
- Let’s Map Mystara Together discussion thread at The Piazza (link leads to first 1986 post)
1986 Product Lineup
This table lists all the relevant products published in 1986, with links to each map’s individual page here at the Atlas. Product titles link to PDFs at DTRPG where they are available.
Mystara Geographic Maps 1986
1986 Map Gallery
This gallery shows all of the geographic maps published over the course of the year. These are replicas of the original maps. For full details, please check out the post for each map, linked to in the table above. For corrected and expanded versions, use the maps near the top of this page.