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Mystara 1987

Mystara 1987

The debut of the Gazetteer series.

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The Maps

These maps have been made internally consistent, adopting the most detailed shapes and positions of each element.

  • Art — the printed style from 1987’s GAZ1 Legend, with additional symbols from the 1981-1987 maps.
  • Fonts — Feinen made its debut this year, dominating the Gazetteer maps. Helvetica continued to be the go-to typeface for adventure modules. Century Schoolbook also made its Mystara debut, as the standard font for Dungeon Magazine maps. And there was a last cameo appearance from Libra BT.
No other font is more iconic to Mystara than Feinen.
No other font is more iconic to Mystara than Feinen.
Helvetica appeared sporadically throughout Mystara’s publication.
Helvetica appeared sporadically throughout Mystara’s publication.
Century Schoolbook was the font of Dungeon Magazine, and as such appeared in all Mystara’s maps from that source, as well as some from Dragon Magazine.
Century Schoolbook was the font of Dungeon Magazine, and as such appeared in all Mystara’s maps from that source, as well as some from Dragon Magazine.
Libra BT only appeared on two maps in Mystara’s history.
Libra BT only appeared on two maps in Mystara’s history.


For more details on the individual maps and their interpretation here, please refer to the original Let’s Map Mystara project articles listed below.

  • Let’s Map Mystara 1987 (upcoming)
  • Let’s Read the Known World/Mystara post 600 — 1987 discussion starts at this post

1987 Product Lineup

This table lists all the relevant products published in 1987, with links to each map’s individual page here at the Atlas. Product titles link to PDFs at DTRPG where they are available.

Mystara Geographic Maps 1987

53The Republic of Darokin and Surrounding Lands2419872IM2 The Wrath of OlympusInside Cover
54Grand Duchy of Karameikos819874GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of KarameikosPoster Map
54a[Legend]-19874GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of KarameikosPoster Map
55[Karameikos]2419874GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of KarameikosCover Gatefold
-Specularum*19874GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of KarameikosPoster Map
-Kelvin*19874GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of KarameikosPoster Map
-Threshold*19874GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of KarameikosPoster Map
56DM Map 1 Norwold15019875M4 Five Coins for a Kingdomp. 2
57DM Map 4 The Gold Piece119875M4 Five Coins for a Kingdomp. 11
58Grand Duchy of Karameikos819876B1-9 In Search of Adventurep. 131
59Great Northway Lands2419877Dungeon 6p. 44-45
60Map 1: Continental Map-19877Dungeon 6p. 42
61The Emirates of Ylaruam819877GAZ2 The Emirates of YlaruamPoster Map
62[Ylaruam]2419877GAZ2 The Emirates of YlaruamCover Gatefold
63The Principalities of Glantri819878GAZ3 The Principalities of GlantriPoster Map
64[Glantri]2419878GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantrip. 3
65The Battle of Shillabeer Gap-19878IM3 The Best of Intentionsp. 30
66Great Northway Lands2419879Dungeon 7p. 9
67Quick Fix-19879Dungeon 7p. 22
68Map I Players' Map of Fenhold-19879CM9 Legacy of BloodCover Gatefold
69Map IV219879CM9 Legacy of BloodInside Cover
70Map V Area Around Fenhold419879CM9 Legacy of Bloodp. 5
71DM Map #1: Isle of the Dawn24198711M5 Talons of NightInside Cover
71aPlayers' Aid #1: Map of the Isle of Dawn24198711M5 Talons of Nightp. 21
72DM Map #3: The Valley of Kings24198711M5 Talons of Nightp. 23
73DM Map #7: Lands of the Aranea3198711M5 Talons of Nightp. 26
74The Kingdom of Ierendi8198712GAZ4 The Kingdom of IerendiPoster Map
75Islands of the Kingdom of Ierendi-198712GAZ4 The Kingdom of Ierendip. 32-33
76Safari Island-198712GAZ4 The Kingdom of Ierendip. 44
77Honour Island-198712GAZ4 The Kingdom of IerendiInside Cover
78[Known World]24198712GAZ4 The Kingdom of IerendiCover Gatefold
79Map I DM only8198712X13 Crown of Ancient Gloryp. 31
79aMap II Players’ Handout8198712X13 Crown of Ancient Gloryp. 32
80Map XII Norrvik and Environs1198712X13 Crown of Ancient Gloryp. 56
81Map VI Isle of Erid Overview0.5198712X13 Crown of Ancient GloryInside Cover

1987 Map Gallery

This gallery shows all of the geographic maps published over the course of the year. These are replicas of the original maps. For full details, please check out the post for each map, linked to in the table above. For corrected and expanded versions, use the maps near the top of this page.

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