Thorf's Secret Project: Stage One
A recreation of the Mystara Message Board thread that started the Atlas of Mystara project, with restored links and images.

Old 7 March 2005, 10:45 PM
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Talking 150th Post!!

I just noticed that the last post I made was the 150th post in this thread. Yay!

I forgot to include the link but I thought it best to start a new page anyway, so here is today's map.

Dragon 169 Kingdom of Sind, 24 miles per hex, Mar 2005
Old 8 March 2005, 12:45 AM
Lost Woodrake's Avatar
Lost Woodrake
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Wow. I always thought Sind was much larger. Interesting.
Old 8 March 2005, 12:47 AM
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Default A little experiment

I just had a go at making Ethengar's depressions less hexagonal. Have a look and tell me what you think!

Ethengar, 8 miles per hex, Jun 2005

Compare this with the original Ethengar map a few threads back. I made the plateaus look a little less hexagonal,
but I kept the basic shape of the depression, and thus some "hexiness" remains. It would also be possible to
change the shape of the depression quite drastically.

Another option would be to go with the smoother versions from the Wrath of the Immortals 24 mile per hex map, but
I view the 8 mile per hex GAZ12 map as a better source, so I'd rather stick to it as much as possible.

Edit: Since I have now decided to make smooth plateaus the standard in my maps, I have now replaced the original Ethengar map with the new curved plateau version. To save space on my site, I won't be posting the hexagonal plateau versions. If you want a hexagonal plateau version of a map, please ask me.

Last edited by Thorf : 03-11-05 at 11:48 AM. Reason: Update on the standardising of smooth plateaus
Old 8 March 2005, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Lost Woodrake
Wow. I always thought Sind was much larger. Interesting.

Remember that this map is 24 miles per hex scale. Consider that since Sind stretches from the level of central Glantri in the north to northern Ierendi in the south, on the normal 8 mile per hex scale it would cover a rather huge area.
Old 8 March 2005, 12:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
Remember that this map is 24 miles per hex scale. Consider that since Sind stretches from the level of central Glantri in the north to northern Ierendi in the south, on the normal 8 mile per hex scale it would cover a rather huge area.

True. But for some reason I always thought it also stretches much further to the west.
Old 8 March 2005, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
Remember that this map is 24 miles per hex scale. Consider that since Sind stretches from the level of central Glantri in the north to northern Ierendi in the south, on the normal 8 mile per hex scale it would cover a rather huge area.

Still, I'd love to see an 8-mile hex map of Sind

:-) Jesper
Old 8 March 2005, 02:10 AM
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You can actually see an 8 mile per hex map of Sind on Thibault Sarlat's site already. He made one back in 2000, it seems. It's a nice map.

My own 8 mile per hex Sind map will be coming before too long too. When I get to it, I'll probably ask for help from those who've already worked on it - Andrew, Thibault, and anyone else.

For now I still have a lot of official maps still to cover, which I intend to go through before I start on conversions and such. On the other hand, there actually aren't that many official maps in total, and I've probably already covered a good portion of them - perhaps even as much as half. So it shouldn't be that long.

Edit: I've started work on the Champions of Mystara Great Waste map, and I'm finding some interesting stuff. It seems to be based on the original X4 and X5 maps, as well as the Dragon 169 map. It develops on all those sources, even the Dragon map which was already pretty well developed. It sorts out problems and discrepancies that had been created by past maps. Overall, it's a really nice map.

If I have the time to work on it tomorrow, it'll be tomorrow's map.
Old 8 March 2005, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Spellweaver
Still, I'd love to see an 8-mile hex map of Sind

I'm with Spellweaver on this one! I think Heldann and Wendar would be nice to see in 8-mile hexes as well. Of course, seeing the Isle of Dawn in 8 mile hexes would be very impressive.

Originally Posted by Thorf
I just noticed that the last post I made was the 150th post in this thread. Yay!


(I came home for lunch today and just couldn't stay off the boards - this just as bad as wanting my coffee - but I like tea very much too, Thorf, so send some this way )

Oh ya, I personally like the less hexagonal depressions in the Ethengar map; looks good! (Gotta get back to work)
Old 8 March 2005, 02:37 AM
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I too prefer the less "hexagonal" contour lines ...

(are you using the contour-line brush I made for you? Looks like it.)
Obligatory non sequitur goes here.
Old 8 March 2005, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by katana_one
I too prefer the less "hexagonal" contour lines ...

(are you using the contour-line brush I made for you? Looks like it.)

I am indeed. Makes drawing the contours just as easy as drawing rivers!

I'm glad the smoother contour lines seem to be going down well. Next I'll have a go at Ylaruam.

One of the benefits of using Illustrator for all this is that scaling can be done with precision. This means that when I am making my 24 mile per hex map, some parts I can simply copy out of small scale maps, shrink them down to the right size, and paste in. Not only does this save drawing those elements again at the larger scale, but more importantly it ensures absolute accuracy between the scales.

In other words, my upcoming 24 mile per hex Known World map will be the first ever to be totally accurate to the 8 mile per hex maps.

Time for a cup of tea before bed. Anyone want a cuppa?
Old 8 March 2005, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
Time for a cup of tea before bed. Anyone want a cuppa?

Myself, I just get home from work and I have the kettle on already. Thanks anyhow though.

Glad to hear you're going to do the Ylaruam contours as well; keeps the maps "professionally consistant"!
Old 8 March 2005, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
What maps do you want to see?
Extending West and South from Sind and Hule, why not the Gulf of Hule (and nearby Pampa Rica)? Granted, no official hex maps unless you use the VotPA, alternating 8 and 24 mile scales.
For personal reasons, I'm most interested in seeing a map of the Gulf of Hule with just terrain, so that I can easily throw some maps together of the history of the Baronies.
Mystara in 3D VRML <-- Updated with screenshots. Thanks Shawn!
Old 8 March 2005, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
What maps do you want to see?

Old 8 March 2005, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
You can actually see an 8 mile per hex map of Sind on Thibault Sarlat's site already. He made one back in 2000, it seems. It's a nice map.

It is a very good map- the only problem I have ever noticed on it stems from the whole Atruaghin Plateau mess. You wind up with certain eastern regions (such as Chandbali, namely) being far too close to Darokin- *in* Darokin, actually, which doesn't fit with other 8 mile hex maps of the region. I think parts of Peshmir were off, too. Again, it stems from the Atruaghin plateau mixup, so if you discount the easternmost regions, the rest of the map fits really well with the expanded scale.
Old 8 March 2005, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Hugin
I'm with Spellweaver on this one! I think Heldann and Wendar would be nice to see in 8-mile hexes as well. Of course, seeing the Isle of Dawn in 8 mile hexes would be very impressive.

I've got a lot of the Isle of Dawn mapped out at that scale myself, though only a few "finished" maps, all based on some things I've done with certain regions. If you want to take a look, check out , in the maps section.

Heldann has been mapped out at 8 mi/hex, initially by Geoff Gander and can be seen at the Vaults here. It would be nice to see done with Thorf's hexes, though. They really look good.
Old 8 March 2005, 11:54 PM
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Default Tuesday's Map

Thanks for all the input on what to do next.

I spent the evening tonight getting the Champions of Mystara Great Waste map done.

Champions of Mystara Great Waste, 24 miles per hex, Mar 2005

This map is rather interesting. I can tell that a lot of work went into making it, because it brings together elements
from lots of previous maps neatly, sorting out some of the inconsistencies that had cropped up.
Old 9 March 2005, 12:21 AM
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Exclamation Eek

Right after posting, I noticed a few errors. So I have just posted the corrected version.

My palette is rather different from the one originally used on this map, and as a result it looks a little funny. Particularly, the badlands in the middle of the desert are somewhat glaring. The hills also seem to clash slightly, a problem that I noticed on the Shadow Elves map too. Then of course there's the savannah and swamp colours which practically glow...

As a result, I'm considering adapting my palette a bit. Most likely I will make the brighter colours look a little more "washed out". I've been considering changing my plains green colour to more of a pastel shade too.

On the other hand, I do like that green. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Tweaking the palette is actually a pretty hard job...

Edit: Here's a quick test I threw together with an example of a washed out palette.

Testing out a more subdued palette, Mar 2005

Last edited by Thorf : 03-09-05 at 12:42 AM. Reason: Added example image
Old 9 March 2005, 01:29 AM
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Default more nitpicks

Wow Thorf, even more great maps! The continent of Iciria is just an awesome work..

I've noticed two little imperfections in the maps. In the Wendar&Denagoth you wrote Bengarian's Hermitage, but it's in fact BenSarian's Hermitage.

In the last one, Sind & Great Waste, I think the right spelling for the small village near the northern border of the Serpent Peninsula is not Kladanovit but KladanoviC.

Also, I think you should integrate the Wendar map from X11 with that presented in PWA1, which showed at least 3 other towns (Sylvair, Oakwall and Woodgate).

Sorry for the long silence, but I fell ill...

Anyway, keep us updated with your daily life too!

Old 9 March 2005, 02:25 AM
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Originally Posted by DM
Sorry for the long silence, but I fell ill...

Hi Marco, nice to hear from you again. I hope you're feeling better! I've been struggling with a cold here but I'm better now.

Wow Thorf, even more great maps! The continent of Iciria is just an awesome work..

Thanks! It's one of my favourites so far, though it won't be properly complete until the southern half is done too. Doing all the names on those two maps is awful, though, because the maps are so dark that the text is often near unreadable.

Anyway, I'll be doing the second part soon.

I've noticed two little imperfections in the maps. In the Wendar&Denagoth you wrote Bengarian's Hermitage, but it's in fact BenSarian's Hermitage.

In the last one, Sind & Great Waste, I think the right spelling for the small village near the northern border of the Serpent Peninsula is not Kladanovit but KladanoviC.

Good catch on both of those! In my defence, in both cases I copied the mistake from the official maps. I should really have realised about Bensarian, though. And Kladanovic seems much more likely than Kladanovit. Oh well...

(On that subject, believe it or not the other Champions of Mystara map, the Serpent Peninsula, has the correct Kladanovic. )

Also, I think you should integrate the Wendar map from X11 with that presented in PWA1, which showed at least 3 other towns (Sylvair, Oakwall and Woodgate).

Yep, this is coming in the near future. Wrath of the Immortals also showed those towns, so I'm probably going to be working from the Wrath map, with the original X11 map just for reference.

Also, I've begun researching X11's text for extra labels and stuff to add to the map too.

While we're on this topic, I noticed an interesting little issue with the Naga River. Later maps all have the river running into a cave in the Mengul Mountains of Denagoth and coming out closer to Heldann. But actually in X11 the Naga River was supposed to be just a normal river! The map does feature the break in the river's progress, but only because of the "Mengul Mountains" caption, which blanks out the terrain in the area - Naga River included.

Of course, the river flowing underground is cool, so it's a nice misunderstanding. But it's nonetheless amusing to know how it came about.

On the subject of the Poor Wizard's Almanac maps, I have indeed been starting to use those as sources too. Unfortunately they don't have hexes, but they do help when it comes to placing towns and general terrain features.

Anyway, keep us updated with your daily life too!

Will do and same to you, Marco.
Old 9 March 2005, 03:09 AM
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Default One last thing for today...

For now, I've decided to change the savannah and badlands colours, but leave the rest as is. I'd like to change the hills and maybe mountains too, but I haven't found good colours for them yet. Otherwise, I'm going to keep the palette the same for now, I think.

However, I'm still open to suggestions.
Old 9 March 2005, 03:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
Right after posting, I noticed a few errors. So I have just posted the corrected version.

Still are a few errors. The Silt River and the rivers running into Lake Hast are red?

Edit: Here's a quick test I threw together with an example of a washed out palette.

Liked it better before

Keep up the good work!

:-) Jesper
Old 9 March 2005, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Spellweaver
Still are a few errors. The Silt River and the rivers running into Lake Hast are red?

I think those are meant to indicate a seasonal riverbed; one that dries up completely during the summer/dry season. We'll find out for sure once Thorf wakes up
Old 9 March 2005, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by DM
Also, I think you should integrate the Wendar map from X11 with that presented in PWA1, which showed at least 3 other towns (Sylvair, Oakwall and Woodgate).

What's PWA1? I can't find it on the "complete product list" at the Vaults, and every Google hit for it is people mentioning it without a full title.
Old 9 March 2005, 08:12 AM
Traianus Decius Aureus's Avatar
Traianus Decius Aureus
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PWA1 is Poor Wizard's Almanac Vol. 1. It covers the year AC1010 (I think).
Old 9 March 2005, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Traianus Decius Aureus
PWA1 is Poor Wizard's Almanac Vol. 1. It covers the year AC1010 (I think).

You think correctly!
Old 9 March 2005, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Traianus Decius Aureus
PWA1 is Poor Wizard's Almanac Vol. 1. It covers the year AC1010 (I think).

Ah, I have that filed as "AC1010". Is PWA1 an official abbrev (like GAZ3 or X4) or is it just a convenient shorthand?
Old 9 March 2005, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Spellweaver
Still are a few errors. The Silt River and the rivers running into Lake Hast are red?

Yeah, they're rivers of blood.

Originally Posted by Hugin
I think those are meant to indicate a seasonal riverbed; one that dries up completely during the summer/dry season. We'll find out for sure once Thorf wakes up

Not blood then?

Yes, those are indeed dry/seasonal rivers. Not a very common feature on Mystara's maps; I think the Champions of Mystara map map may well be the only example.

Today I'm kinda busy with work, so it's going to be hard to get a map up since I have none in reserve. But I'll do my best.
Old 9 March 2005, 12:07 PM
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Thorf, do you by any chance intend to make a map of the city states area on Davania? My current campaign is in that area...

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Old 9 March 2005, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Thorf
Yes, those are indeed dry/seasonal rivers. Not a very common feature on Mystara's maps; I think the Champions of Mystara map map may well be the only example.
On the Orc's Head Peninsula, isn't the Forbidden River south of Risilvar a Billabong?
Edit; Maybe I should research _before_ I post. There are billabongs in Wallara country, but the Forbidden River isn't one, and the billabongs aren't on the map.

Last edited by Culture20 : 03-09-05 at 12:49 PM.
Old 9 March 2005, 01:28 PM
Traianus Decius Aureus's Avatar
Traianus Decius Aureus
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Originally Posted by Joe Mason
Ah, I have that filed as "AC1010". Is PWA1 an official abbrev (like GAZ3 or X4) or is it just a convenient shorthand?

Just convenient shorthand